Incoming AhnyaLi-a glimpse into multidimensional Awakening

Who is AhnyaLi?  What is AhnyaLi?  Perhaps, the reading of this will give us a glimpse…

 I’m realizing AhnyaLi’s emergence has been in process since a transcendent experience at Casa Dom Inacio in the summer, 2017. (Some of y’all may remember, and—if you want your memory refreshed, post it in the comments ; >)  It’s been a journey and continues to be with this particular piece–incoming AhnyaLi–beginning at the end of April, 2021, in a kundalini breath and meditation workshop.  Following the guidance of the teacher, I breathed a balloon of felt pressure into each cervical vertebra while rolling the neck from chin resting on chest to upright…and then tipping the nose upward with an isometric contraction against all of the “air pressure” breathed into the vertebrae.  In the full contraction pose (nose tilted up as high as possible,) I experienced an intense pain at the occiput and a blinding light that lasted less than a minute.  Followed by dizziness and some nausea.  Feeling the neck afterward, the tissue was swollen and inflamed.  But, even more importantly—and, imho, a small miracle–the natural curve of the cervical vertebrae reasserted itself… a curve missing since the TBI during a head-on car collision in in 1983.  I celebrated the return of an opening flow in the channel… not fully realizing the extent of what that meant…

Continue reading “Incoming AhnyaLi-a glimpse into multidimensional Awakening”

Ocean of Emotions – Awakening

awakening, change, GraceI said once that my feeling body is as big as the Grand Canyon…and I want to take that back.  I want to say, unequivocally, my feeling body is an endless sea.  My ocean of emotion has no shores.  I used to swim it with the goal in mind of respite.  I thought I would eventually reach some magical shore where all my feelings gently soaked into soft, gentle sand, leaving me with an even sense of contented satisfaction.  That’s the beach that called my desire and powered my unending strokes through vast seas.

For many, many years I believed I could aim myself toward that shore with the conviction of my mind and will and make it so.  And I tried.  But the shoreline remained out of reach.  Then, another current caught me and I came to believe that, instead of attempting to will the creation of my desire, I would learn to swim the ocean of my emotions by responding to events and circumstances of life with love.  Rather than looking for an end–a happily ever after–I would embody and embrace my emotion of choice.  Love.  Plain and simple…one vast emotion that buoyed me through the waves. An elegant and effortless solution that transformed the experience without any desire for it to end.  An endless sea of love. Continue reading “Ocean of Emotions – Awakening”

Final Day of Trip Six–John of God Reflections

John of God, Casa Dom Inacio, spiritual healingSitting in Frutti’s in our familiar corner amongst now-familiar faces sipping a spicy chai latte, this is our final evening in Abadiania.  The time for reflection has come.  A Casa volunteer told us this morning that this past two weeks has been the busiest time EVER at Casa de Dom Inacio–thousands of people engaging the entity incorporated in Medium Joao daily.  I imagine that the people who came a decade ago, or have been coming for many years, could speak eloquently about the changes within the Casa system in their time.  I am only three years into this exploration; for me it is apparent that the Casa is more organized and streamlined in how the crowds are managed, and I see that the sessions last hours longer even so.

One of the first changes I noted was the intent of the Casa volunteers to keep the main meeting/waiting room quiet.  “Shhhhhhhh,” they would remind the crowds when chatter created a rising hum, “Silence is prayer.  Please.”  I liked that.  I found the silence to be a buoyant support into connection with the energies.  It was in this peaceful quiet that one of the entities made direct contact with me on the first morning. (see: A Blessing Shared)  A connection that transformed the experience for me. Continue reading “Final Day of Trip Six–John of God Reflections”

Insights–John of God

John of God, Dr Augusto, Casa de Dom Inacio, spiritual healingToday is the seventh day since the spiritual surgery I experienced last Wednesday.  It has been a profoundly deep week into the exploration of healing for me.  For the first time in all of the spiritual surgeries I’ve undergone, I felt “post-surgical.”  I was reminded of the days right after spinal surgery when my one goal was to be able to get up and walk the halls of the hospital.  I was not as weak this week as I was right after the spinal surgery, but I did ask Alan to wheel me in the wheel chair often, walking for very short periods then resting when I felt my vitality deflate.

During the daily crystal bed, Dr. Augusto came available for interaction. Continue reading “Insights–John of God”

Day Two, A Blessing Shared–John of God

soul awakening, spiritual consciousnessI underwent my first spiritual surgery of this  trip yesterday afternoon.  One would think (Well, at least I would) that I could expect a certain pattern to the spiritual surgeries after ten of them.  It wasn’t a surprise when the Casa volunteer invited people from the 2nd time line to volunteer for a spiritual surgery.  Certainly, we’ve seen that happen a few times before this.  Alan and I considered and decided that, since it was our first day back to see John of God after a year’s absence, we wanted to go before Medium Joao and the entity to received a more specific direction.  What was unusual for me was that–right after we opted to wait–I felt the presence of an entity touch my mind.

“What does that feel like?” you may wonder.  It feels like love.  Conscious and aware and gentle like a soft breeze.  Some say they can tell which entity is which and know who is engaging them.  Not me.  I don’t mind, though.  Love is love is love, right?

I felt the touch, and I heard, “Would you like my support?  I can help you.”

“Yes!” My response was immediate and whole-hearted.

And then it began.  In retrospect, my spiritual surgery experience started right there and then in the front hall/meeting room. Continue reading “Day Two, A Blessing Shared–John of God”

Letting Go With Love – Awakening

hooponopono, awakening, law of attractionMy new mantra – letting go with love.  Awakening through letting go.

Letting go isn’t new.  One way or another, we are in the process of letting go of something all the time, I think.  Whether it is a physical transition through age or an emotional release associated to a change or finding a way to evolve a belief toward more fulfillment, letting go of “what was” has been a precursor to the new state of Being from the moment we left the womb.  I’ve known that for a long time.

What I didn’t know… what is new to me in realizing how letting go supports awakening consciousness… is that releasing 100% is the key to allowing the new paradigm to shift into being. Continue reading “Letting Go With Love – Awakening”

Creativity as Prayer – Law of Attraction

prayer, creative nature, creativityIn our culture, people comment, “He’s a creative type”.  As though it’s an attribute like intellectual or witty.  I have come to the conclusion that to be alive is to be creative.  From the moment conscious awareness begins, we are translating the world around us, interpreting experience and birthing ideas to explore through our senses.  To live, in other words, is to create.  Instead of classifying a person as a type who is creative, I am more inclined to say, “This is a person who is in touch with their creative nature.”

Creative nature.  What is that?

I envision the creative nature as the conduit between Source and personality.  Creative nature facilitates the communion and flow of Source’s inspired awareness.  Creative nature opens the mind and heart to new possibilities and nurtures receptivity.  When the conduit of creative nature flourishes, the personality basks in the joy of each moment as each moment brings insight and curiosity and interest and delight to the experience at hand.  Creative nature encourages us to reach and explore and discover.  When the conduit is connected and open to the flow of Source.

The conduit of creative nature flows in both directions. Continue reading “Creativity as Prayer – Law of Attraction”

Make It Right, Then Make It Better – Awakening

ho'oponopono, awakening, law of attractionHo’oponopono means “to make right” in the language of Polynesia.  To make right means to clear the attachments that hold us in hard feelings and harsh judgements – to bring our focus into the “field beyond right and wrong” as Rumi says.  It is one process among many for opening the heart and mind to the Soul’s presence; the flow of love and authentic kindness to and through us.

In my Life, the desire to find a way through these sticky energetic entanglements into the clear field of connected Love is a driving force.  Both personally and professionally, all of my experience tracks back to this intention – to embody the ability within myself and to teach the power of “making it right” with others.  Over the years, I’ve studied and practiced and shared numerous techniques: self reflection and analysis, meditation, ho’oponopono, Law of Attraction, Course in Miracles, Shamanic principles and practices, prayer, making wishes… and on and on.  Always with the singular intention of alignment with a state of well-being and Grace.

All of these techniques and philosophies work. Continue reading “Make It Right, Then Make It Better – Awakening”

Sacred Waterfall, Day 8 – John of God

We did it!  We made it to the Sacred Waterfall today, and as soon as my feet touched the path down to waters, I felt the energy.  And it was SO welcoming!  It was like coming “home” to the place where all that exists is verdant green love.  If there weren’t a sign at the beginning of the path that asked for silence, I would have burst into song:) Continue reading “Sacred Waterfall, Day 8 – John of God”