Energy Healing from the Joe Dispenza System to TimeWaver and Healy

What is Energy Healing?

How does Energy Healing work?

Who are we when our energy is coherent and clean?

How can we get us some of that?

Energy healing predates the science of allopathic medicine by centuries. Ayurveda, acupuncture, five elements, shamanism, reiki… just to name a few. Allopathic remedies are often faster and more convenient when they work. When they don’t…. well, let’s consider the benefit of energy healing, shall we? In this article, we’ll explore both human to human energy healing via the Dr. Joe Dispenza coherence healing activity and energy healing through technology via TimeWaver systems and the Healy app.

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Deeper into Dispenza System–Energy Centers

Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches a meditation/system of learning, healing, and evolving that begins with the physics fact: all form comes from energy as its source. This energy is a combination of electrical and magnetic frequencies that combine in a balance, creating form–bodies, things, circumstance. Dr. Joe states, “The electrical pulse sends the thought, and the magnetic frequency carries the emotion that magnetizes an experience.” Heady stuff, right? This statement defines the law of attraction very simply as: We are create what we are–what we think and feel…. not what we desire.

A powerful adjustment to the current new age teachings, right? If I am sick and want wellness, I won’t attract wellness while I feel sick… I’ve got to find feelings that are resonant with wellness to attract it. This concept holds true for all of the wishes we have for something different than what we experience to occur. The natural question that arises from this understanding is: How do I shift my thoughts and feelings so that I am attracting what I want? Good question. Let’s talk about that as it relates to energy centers first.

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Blew My Wig Back–Joe Dispenza retreat experience

unified field

This accounting is my personal truth. For me, the exploration into neuroscience, biochemistry, and quantum physics applied through meditation exercises led me into multidimensional territory and interdimensional encounters. Healing miracles. Some reading it, will find resonance in my experiences and revelations to enhances their own breadcrumb trails into these frontiers. Others will want more quantifiable evidence than a subjective accounting like mine before making the leap into belief. Either way, I hope all y’all enjoy the storytelling.

For the sake of brevity, I won’t go into long explanations of my ‘health journey.’ Some of you already follow along with my writings on the topic, and–for those of you who don’t and have questions–please feel free to post in the comments. I will do my best to clarify. The first part of this telling will be more like cliff notes than an in depth summary (Again, feel free to ask for clarification in the comments if you more to connect the dots.) In the second half–the part that includes my coherence healing–I will offer a deeper dive and an occasional ‘sidebar’ note to add context. If you want to stay just within the telling of the experience, you can skip the sidebars ; >)

OK, here we go….

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