Ahnalira’s Detox Protocol

terpenes, medical cannabis, John of God, meditation, psychic surgery, spine injury, diabetes, ho'oponoponoHow do you know that a detox protocol is a good idea for you? When you have a health goal that seems stalled regardless of your effort, chances are the biochemistry of your body is compromised by environmental toxins, heavy metals, and/or pathogens.  If you have a chronic health condition that compromises your vitality, it’s likely your body needs help detoxifying the debris from daily metabolism.  If, like me with autoimmune hepatitis and autoimmune encephalitis, you find yourself in the midst of a health crisis…detoxification may be your lifejacket back to shore.

For me, the process of discovery led me through at least 50 hours of medical lectures and conferences to develop an understanding of how I could detoxify my severely compromised body safely.  This is what I learned…and am learning ; >) Continue reading “Ahnalira’s Detox Protocol”

Loving Our Bodies Means Feeling Safe

awakening, teaching, teacher, teach by exampleLet’s talk science for a moment.  Proven fact: every emotion solicits hormones and neurotransmitters to evoke a host of chemical actions.  The blood fills with these “chemical feelings” and every cell in the body “reads” the chemical message to determine their course of action.

Of course, the cells cannot extrapolate one kind of fear from another.  The chemicals don’t tell them whether a predatory animal is attacking or whether there isn’t enough money in the bank to cover the mortgage payment.  The message is the same.  On the level of biochemical interaction, so is the response in the body.

And it’s a good response.  It’s kept our species alive through the ages.  It’s an appropriate response to a life-threatening situation.  However, when anxiety/fear becomes an emotional norm–when angst of one form or another is the steady stream of chemicals flowing through our blood to direct cellular activity–then our bodies never get the opportunity to restore and regenerate.  Never feel safe to take care of their needs.  Inevitably, dis-ease results. Continue reading “Loving Our Bodies Means Feeling Safe”

Loving Our Bodies–The Lessons of Healing

loving our bodies, healing, leadership, creative process, awakeningMy new theme for all the writing here is: Come live in the rainbow with me, friends, and become the full spectrum light you are.  And, as usual, it’s through my personal journey of becoming that I gather these words to share.

To catch everyone up:

I traveled to Casa de Dom Inacio seven times over the course of four years. When I made my prayer requests for the healing of physical conditions (type 1 diabetes, spinal injuries, and hepatitis C) before every spiritual intervention, I didn’t fully understand that what I would receive from the entities there would be emotional and spiritual healings (see: Reflections from John of God) rather than the immediate release from physical imbalances.  OK…so that’s not exactly true–hepatitis C went into remission after the second visit, and my insulin requirements went down by half over the course of all the visits.  It was, however, during the next to last visit to the Casa, when the entity, Dr. Augusto, told me to get lab work done (see: Final Day of Trip 6) that I began my journey of healing the physical body. Continue reading “Loving Our Bodies–The Lessons of Healing”

Fun and Easy Personality Game

Personality game, Personal growth, communicationOK, here we go..  First off, pick one of these shapes:

square      triange     circle      squiggle

The shape you pick…  the one that just popped out at you and into your head (without knowing it’s meaning; >) represents your core values.  There is often another shape that you will resonate to when you hear its description; this would be your secondary shape. Continue reading “Fun and Easy Personality Game”

Sanctuary for the Divine – Physical Well-being Re-defiined

self esteem, physical well being, law of attraction, ho'oponoponoOur bodies are sanctuaries for the Divine. I read that yesterday, and it stopped my mind in its tracks.
 That’s a good thing.

I’ve tended to think of my body and other peoples’ bodies, as I believe most of us do, in terms of function and size and shape; measuring always how it could do better, look better, feel better. For most of my Life experience, how I measured myself to this criteria determined my sense of esteem and confidence on this playground called Earth.

My body is a sanctuary for the Divine. Continue reading “Sanctuary for the Divine – Physical Well-being Re-defiined”