In our culture, people comment, “He’s a creative type”. As though it’s an attribute like intellectual or witty. I have come to the conclusion that to be alive is to be creative. From the moment conscious awareness begins, we are translating the world around us, interpreting experience and birthing ideas to explore through our senses. To live, in other words, is to create. Instead of classifying a person as a type who is creative, I am more inclined to say, “This is a person who is in touch with their creative nature.”
Creative nature. What is that?
I envision the creative nature as the conduit between Source and personality. Creative nature facilitates the communion and flow of Source’s inspired awareness. Creative nature opens the mind and heart to new possibilities and nurtures receptivity. When the conduit of creative nature flourishes, the personality basks in the joy of each moment as each moment brings insight and curiosity and interest and delight to the experience at hand. Creative nature encourages us to reach and explore and discover. When the conduit is connected and open to the flow of Source.
The conduit of creative nature flows in both directions. Continue reading “Creativity as Prayer – Law of Attraction”