Make It Right, Then Make It Better – Awakening

ho'oponopono, awakening, law of attractionHo’oponopono means “to make right” in the language of Polynesia.  To make right means to clear the attachments that hold us in hard feelings and harsh judgements – to bring our focus into the “field beyond right and wrong” as Rumi says.  It is one process among many for opening the heart and mind to the Soul’s presence; the flow of love and authentic kindness to and through us.

In my Life, the desire to find a way through these sticky energetic entanglements into the clear field of connected Love is a driving force.  Both personally and professionally, all of my experience tracks back to this intention – to embody the ability within myself and to teach the power of “making it right” with others.  Over the years, I’ve studied and practiced and shared numerous techniques: self reflection and analysis, meditation, ho’oponopono, Law of Attraction, Course in Miracles, Shamanic principles and practices, prayer, making wishes… and on and on.  Always with the singular intention of alignment with a state of well-being and Grace.

All of these techniques and philosophies work.  All of them in any combination.  That’s been my experience.  It’s also been my experience that the process of “make it right” is never ending.  As we live our lives, there are continual opportunities to choose how we engage and react to our life experience.  The state of a “clear field connected in love to the flow of well-being and Grace” is not a state that – once achieved – maintains forever.  It is a moment to moment choice.

In each choice is the opportunity to create either another attachment to clear…or – to enhance and expand the flow of love and well-being and Grace.  In other words, make it better.

In this recent realization, I asked myself, “How can I stabilize myself in the choice moment and enhance my ability to reach into the expansion of well-being and Grace rather than re-enact another opportunity for clearing?”  And the answer came:

First and foremost, intend to be part of the solution in all ways.  Engage the world around you as though it is a creative project.  Every experience, every interaction, is part of the creation.  If you are a painter, think of it as the possibility of a brush stroke blending colors in harmony.  If you are a writer, think of it as the descriptive phrase that evokes feelings and meanings that bring new insight.  If you are an engineer, think of it as design that makes the functionality more streamlined and effective.  Make it better.

I reflected on this answer, and I understood: We are by nature creative beings.  In one way or another, we will engage the world around us (as well as the world within us) in a process of change and evolution.  We can do that by re-creating the same dynamic over and over, continually making it right…or we can do something new – something different – with the intention of being part of a greater solution and making it better.  This feels like awakening from a dream to me.

For me, the key is creativity.  When I “see” the relationship or situation or circumstance within the dominion of my creative process, I feel empowered (and emboldened, I might add) to expand beyond the familiar patterns that bring mixed results to make it better.  When I think in terms of creative process, I see opportunities rather than challenges.  I see possibilities rather than limitations, and I understand that reaching for a possibility is an exciting endeavor that opens my mind to consider new colors, new phrases, new operating pathways.  I find this perspective to be the balancing leverage that shifts the moment of choice for me to expansion into well-being and Grace.  And I find joy here.  I find awakening.

awakening, law of attraction, ho'oponoponoYes. Always, I am doing my best to make it right.  To clear the attachments – past, present, and future – that entangle my energies in hard feelings and harsh thoughts.  And, more and more, I am reaching from that moment within the clear field of love to expand well-being and Grace by being part of the solution in joyful creativity.  Will you join me in creating this masterpiece called Life?

I love you.  Thank you.


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