Threading The Mantra Needle – Awakening the Avatar

awakeing, avatar, spiritual consciousness, soul, awakeningWrite your epitaph now – it’s how you will be remembered.

Think about it.  When asked what mantra shapes our lives most of us will pick a pithy phrase that depicts our conscious perception of who we aim to be.  “It’s all good.”  “Let go and let God.”  “One day at a time.”  “I have faith.”  “Where there is a will, there is a way.”  “Love is the answer.” I could list a page of them and wouldn’t even scratch the surface – I didn’t come near the breadth and scope of possible attitudes toward which most of us aspire.

Truth be told, though, it isn’t the conscious mantra that shapes us.  It is the habitual practice of thoughts and feeling that run like a river through our minds in response to the circumstances and events of our lives that makes a lasting imprint on how we evolve.  I wish I could say my response to Life was always optimistic.  I wish I could say I didn’t get irritated or anxious or dwell on situations and relationships that evoke irritation or anxiety.  I wish the feelings and thoughts that shaped the weft and weave of who I am would always match the mantra toward which I aim.  I can’t.  But I can say that it is always my choice which color thread I use to thread the needle.

awakening, meditation, lightMy mantra of choice is: “Joy in my heart.  Peace in my mind.  Love flows through my blood.”  This phrase came to me while meditating in Nature while visiting Sedona.  It was, for me, an acknowledgement of the Avatar awakening within me.  So sweet the melody, so pure the intent.  And I aim for this mantra to sing through me stronger than the foibles of human tragedy that twist my focus toward irritation and anxiety.  I aim for each day to be the day I choose the intention of my Soul, the Avatar within, more than the day before.

It isn’t always easy, but it’s never really hard, either… to step into the broader perspective of awakening to the voice whispering guidance within.  All that’s required is the acknowledgement of choice.  At any point we can determine whether the thread we are weaving is truly the color we choose.  Rethreading the needle is an opportunity.

So, if the people in your life were to write your epitaph today, would it match the mantra you choose to describe your values?  Your vision of who you are becoming?  Let us choose to be conscious weavers together, evoking the awakening of our Avatars through the thoughts and feelings we thread through life experience.  Let us uplift each other in the flow creative inspiration that comes in the conscious choices we make in our responses to each other.  Let us write each other’s epitaphs through the voice of the awakening avatars we are.

Thank you.  I love you.

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