Strongest of the Strong – Awakening

There is a shift in the air.  Can you feel it?  I do. 

Many religions and cultures have a story about this time and the changes that are imminent.  I don’t know which ones are true.  I only know what I feel – with my senses and my Soul.  I see it like law of attraction, ho'oponopono, vortex of attractiona shimmer in the air around me; the trees vibrate with aliveness.  I hear the Voice within with more clarity and depth.  I touch from a distance now…  before my skin makes contact, I am “in” contact.  My Soul rejoices, calling me in jubilant tones to continue..  continue.

The stories I hear tell me of Earth changes and hard times and many deaths for ‘unbelievers’.  The stories attempt to describe the undescribe-able:  a world changed beyond what has ever been before.  The stories say to prepare; to gather resources and be ready to live without modern convenience.

The stories evoke fear.

But all that I experience evokes vitality and awakening.  I feel more and more connected to the Life around me – in all forms.  I feel more and more interested in the world around me – in all its diversity.  I feel more and more vibrantly alive and eager for the continuing adventure of my evolution.

So, for the most part, most of the stories seem only stories to me.  Where my experience resonates is here:  I feel a shift, within mySelf and all around me.  I experience the influence of my attitudes upon my experience more immediately.  The more I focus with optimism and positive regard, the more Well-being flows into my experience.  It is a simple equation, and it works in both directions.

law of attraction, vortex of attraction, awakeningAnother philosophical point where I agree:  We chose as a people and as individuals to be alive right now.  We chose the challenge and the opportunity to be the points of conscious focus through which the awakening shift can emerge.  We chose to be the strongest of the strong.  We chose to evolve in the evolving vibration and become All We Are; All We Are Becoming.

Can you feel the shift?  It’s as simple as deciding to live in harmony with ourselves.  It’s as easy choosing hope and intentionally focusing  in hope’s direction.  It’s as gentle as recognizing the consciousness of all Life forms and honoring that Consciousness.  It’s as powerful as remembering we are the strongest of the strong.  Thank you.  I love you.

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