Ocean of Emotions – Awakening

awakening, change, GraceI said once that my feeling body is as big as the Grand Canyon…and I want to take that back.  I want to say, unequivocally, my feeling body is an endless sea.  My ocean of emotion has no shores.  I used to swim it with the goal in mind of respite.  I thought I would eventually reach some magical shore where all my feelings gently soaked into soft, gentle sand, leaving me with an even sense of contented satisfaction.  That’s the beach that called my desire and powered my unending strokes through vast seas.

For many, many years I believed I could aim myself toward that shore with the conviction of my mind and will and make it so.  And I tried.  But the shoreline remained out of reach.  Then, another current caught me and I came to believe that, instead of attempting to will the creation of my desire, I would learn to swim the ocean of my emotions by responding to events and circumstances of life with love.  Rather than looking for an end–a happily ever after–I would embody and embrace my emotion of choice.  Love.  Plain and simple…one vast emotion that buoyed me through the waves. An elegant and effortless solution that transformed the experience without any desire for it to end.  An endless sea of love. Continue reading “Ocean of Emotions – Awakening”

John of God Trip 5 – Final Day

law of attraction, visualization, creative power, memoryIt is mid afternoon, and we have Frutti’s all to ourselves.  The music is serene.  The chai is tasty, and the activity on the street outside is quiet as the occasional person strolls by in the lazy, summer heat.  Soon, a parade of people in white will flow from the Casa — another week complete — and Frutti’s will fill with social activity, people sharing their experiences and stories.  It is everything about Abadiania that I love.

For now, though, it is me with the quiet to reflect upon our experience this trip.

Alan had another spontaneous healing (of course; >)  A chronic shoulder issue since a mountain bike riding accident about a decade ago – healed.  Better than ever.  He has a reputation to live up to, he reminded me…  a man who “does the work.”

For me, this time with John of God and the entities is profound. Continue reading “John of God Trip 5 – Final Day”

Surrender Into Awakening – Change is the Catalyst

awakening, surrender, law of attractionHow many times have I thought:  this isn’t the way I planned for this happen?  More times than I can count.  How many times did I resist an event or situation because it wasn’t  going the way I wanted it to go?  More times than I can calculate.  Call it a confession if you will, but the truth is I am a rebel when it comes to change:  I only like the changes I like, and the rest I refuse and refute as adamantly as a toddler balks at soggy spinach.

Of course, that doesn’t stop change.  Change happens.  Like the movement of water,  always flowing to fill space, change is irrepressible.  It may be possible to hold change at bay for awhile, but the pressure will build until the dam bursts and change breaks through… to evoke new, a different configurations to explore.

That’s what change is.  It doesn’t care if it’s what we expect or if it’s what we desire. Continue reading “Surrender Into Awakening – Change is the Catalyst”

Letting Go With Love – Awakening

hooponopono, awakening, law of attractionMy new mantra – letting go with love.  Awakening through letting go.

Letting go isn’t new.  One way or another, we are in the process of letting go of something all the time, I think.  Whether it is a physical transition through age or an emotional release associated to a change or finding a way to evolve a belief toward more fulfillment, letting go of “what was” has been a precursor to the new state of Being from the moment we left the womb.  I’ve known that for a long time.

What I didn’t know… what is new to me in realizing how letting go supports awakening consciousness… is that releasing 100% is the key to allowing the new paradigm to shift into being. Continue reading “Letting Go With Love – Awakening”

Creative Process – Recipes for Life

creative process, creativity, recipesForest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates.”  He meant, I think, you can never know what you’ll get until you take a bite of it.  For me, Life is more like a cookbook.  And the key is to find the recipe that uses the ingredients we have to create the result we desire to eat.

Some people treat recipes like chemistry projects.  They measure carefully and follow procedures methodically, looking for a precision that can be reproduced reliably.  Some people read cookbooks for ideas and then create spontaneously from the the inspiration they got.  Some are interested in food creation only to the extent that they can open a can or a box and add water.  All of us have our own unique relationship with cookbooks and the recipes within.  For me, recipes are a side-bar, a reference point, to ground my creative exploration.  Because – as with life – I only believe what I experience first hand.

Such is the power of the creative process – it is always a first hand experience. Continue reading “Creative Process – Recipes for Life”

Creativity as Prayer – Law of Attraction

prayer, creative nature, creativityIn our culture, people comment, “He’s a creative type”.  As though it’s an attribute like intellectual or witty.  I have come to the conclusion that to be alive is to be creative.  From the moment conscious awareness begins, we are translating the world around us, interpreting experience and birthing ideas to explore through our senses.  To live, in other words, is to create.  Instead of classifying a person as a type who is creative, I am more inclined to say, “This is a person who is in touch with their creative nature.”

Creative nature.  What is that?

I envision the creative nature as the conduit between Source and personality.  Creative nature facilitates the communion and flow of Source’s inspired awareness.  Creative nature opens the mind and heart to new possibilities and nurtures receptivity.  When the conduit of creative nature flourishes, the personality basks in the joy of each moment as each moment brings insight and curiosity and interest and delight to the experience at hand.  Creative nature encourages us to reach and explore and discover.  When the conduit is connected and open to the flow of Source.

The conduit of creative nature flows in both directions. Continue reading “Creativity as Prayer – Law of Attraction”

Make It Right, Then Make It Better – Awakening

ho'oponopono, awakening, law of attractionHo’oponopono means “to make right” in the language of Polynesia.  To make right means to clear the attachments that hold us in hard feelings and harsh judgements – to bring our focus into the “field beyond right and wrong” as Rumi says.  It is one process among many for opening the heart and mind to the Soul’s presence; the flow of love and authentic kindness to and through us.

In my Life, the desire to find a way through these sticky energetic entanglements into the clear field of connected Love is a driving force.  Both personally and professionally, all of my experience tracks back to this intention – to embody the ability within myself and to teach the power of “making it right” with others.  Over the years, I’ve studied and practiced and shared numerous techniques: self reflection and analysis, meditation, ho’oponopono, Law of Attraction, Course in Miracles, Shamanic principles and practices, prayer, making wishes… and on and on.  Always with the singular intention of alignment with a state of well-being and Grace.

All of these techniques and philosophies work. Continue reading “Make It Right, Then Make It Better – Awakening”

Stars In Our Own Movie – how life works with law of attraction

law of attraction, ho'oponoponoRecently, when asked by a friend why a particular relationship ended, I answered, “They were making their own movie, and I was making mine.  At a certain point, it just became really clear that the role in which I was cast in their movie was out of alignment with the roles I play in my own.”

And that got me thinking.

We really are the stars of our own movies.  We are the main character that drives the story.  And as we engage the world around us, we are directors, writers, and casters of other players and their roles.  We film the movie as we interpret the events and relationships and situations in which we find ourselves.

For a minute, my mind was boggled as I attempted to stretch this idea across the expanse of my experience. Continue reading “Stars In Our Own Movie – how life works with law of attraction”

Memories – Law of Attraction in Action

law of attraction, visualization, creative power, memoryThink about it.  How much of our lives do we spend in the realm of memories?  Chatting with friends or ruminating privately.  Exploring with therapists the painful memories that stop us in our tracks when they surface or floating gently in recollections of laughter and love.  If we are truly forthright with ourselves, I bet we’d discover the vast majority of thoughts and feelings we have are either about the past or referencing/comparing to the past.

Interestingly, the part of the mind that visualizes and ruminates can’t distinguish between the timeline of past, present, and future.  It’s been proven through study after study. Continue reading “Memories – Law of Attraction in Action”

Commune Through Community – How Life Works

awakening, personal process, community, serviceThe process is personal; do doubt.  The path to inner harmony and well-being is an internal journey.  To claim full responsibility for one’s behaviors and attitudes and feelings requires reflection inward.  The call to learn and evolve and align within a Greater Design is often an inner communion.

To commune is to join in a harmonious blending. And isn’t it interesting that the art of engaging outward and joining with other individuals comes from the word commune.  Community.

Ram Dass said, “The cure for every psychological ailment is to get involved with a greater cause.” Continue reading “Commune Through Community – How Life Works”