When I returned home from my first visit to the Casa Dom Ignacio in February, 2011, I wrote about my expanded understanding of what a “spiritual surgery” is (see John of God – The Process Continues). When I returned from the second adventure in June, 2011, I described more the personality process of integration for myself and people for whom I made prayer requests (see John of God Update) Now, I am back from the third pilgrimage in 10 months – and the most intensive immersion in the healing, spiritual energies yet – and ready to reflect again.
To recap: When we arrived, I still had two sacred waterfall visits from those prescribed in June to complete, and I had an intention to go as deeply into the healing energies of the Entities as possible. This translated into standing before Medium Joao in a trance state as often as the protocol allowed and following the directions given me. As it turned out, every time I stood before the Entity present through Medium Joao, I was directed to a spiritual surgery. In the course of twelve days – and two rounds of Casa Dom Ignacio activities – I received three spiritual surgeries.
There were both immediate and long term results (some of which I continue to experience) Some of it is simply logistical. After every spiritual surgery, there is a short talk given to remind us of the protocols for taking care of ourselves for maximum results. Listening to it three times – rather than just once – enhanced my understanding of the subtleties. For example, the Casa volunteer told us each and every time to let the process unfold for 40 days – no other healing modalities (except prescribed medications for current conditions) until the full “landing time”, as they called it, to engage. It was only on this trip, after hearing it repeatedly, that I realized that meant to abstain from regular chiropractic treatments after returning home for 40 days. Subtle, right?
As well, I noted that each spiritual surgery covered the same areas – deeper each time. On the first trip, I felt everything mostly along the spine; the second time, it was my digestive tract; this time, my mouth, sinuses, and solar plexus (and related organs) were the main focus I consciously experienced during and after the surgeries.
In the previous articles, I described what happened “during” the spiritual surgeries. When I say “after”, I am talking about how those physical areas of my body expressed the clearing of denser energies and/or toxicity. For, example my mouth has undergone a series of sores and rashes both inside and around the outside of my gums and lips. Immediately after each surgery, it would flare and has continued to a lesser and lesser degree for the past two weeks.

Experiencing three spiritual surgeries one right after the other, made it very easy to sustain a meditative state while I was in Abadiania. In fact, my capacity to engage the Entities directly was greatly enhanced, and I had several vision/encounters that were both inspiring and transformative. However, it made the transition experience back to the USA more of a challenge physically. When I returned home, I needed to rest. Unlike the previous visits – where I returned home vitalized and with enhanced stamina and vitality – I was, indeed, feeling “post surgical” and required almost a week of ‘easy going’ to find my physical bearings. My dream-life continues to be vivid, filled with insight as well as energetic releases.
I have another two and half weeks of the post forty day process. I am called through it to carve even deeper into my faith. To trust the experience wholly is to welcome the symptoms – that western medicine would treat as “something wrong” – as evidence of an awakening of the cellular tissues into more and more aliveness, more and more vitality as the debris/imbalances release and clear into a new frequency of well-being and love. I experience these shifts daily in subtle ways. The first time I thought to myself, “It doesn’t matter how much insulin I take. It only matters that it’s the right amount for the balancing of blood sugars,” I realized that I’d made a paradigm shift in my thinking. And I felt an inner pressure dissolve into an abiding peace.
This is the process. The healing begins on the most subtle levels of thoughts and feelings, illuminating the structures of the body to more and more levels of light and love. The opportunity is (always for me; >) to trust. And in the trust, to expand my understanding of faith and love. My definition of healing continually evolves through this adventure as I relax and ride the currents of light and love (This is what the spiritual surgeries are all about I’ve come to understand). I am bathed in health. As I trust the process to guide me true, I am inspired by the radiance of well-being that supports me. As I soften into the tender places and love those aspects of myself, I am more and more whole.
May the thoughts and feelings I extend always come from love. May the thoughts and feelings I accept always enhance my sense of well-being and vitality. And the journey continues…
Thank you. I love you.
Someday I will learn to trust the healing process too, yay!
It’s bound to rub off, Alan ; >)
I think it’s starting to work, I’m a miracle!
that’s a great shift in perspective towards insulin and diabetes
It is, and it’s changing my my-to-day experience to much softer and gracious flow 🙂