Incoming AhnyaLi-a glimpse into multidimensional Awakening

Who is AhnyaLi?  What is AhnyaLi?  Perhaps, the reading of this will give us a glimpse…

 I’m realizing AhnyaLi’s emergence has been in process since a transcendent experience at Casa Dom Inacio in the summer, 2017. (Some of y’all may remember, and—if you want your memory refreshed, post it in the comments ; >)  It’s been a journey and continues to be with this particular piece–incoming AhnyaLi–beginning at the end of April, 2021, in a kundalini breath and meditation workshop.  Following the guidance of the teacher, I breathed a balloon of felt pressure into each cervical vertebra while rolling the neck from chin resting on chest to upright…and then tipping the nose upward with an isometric contraction against all of the “air pressure” breathed into the vertebrae.  In the full contraction pose (nose tilted up as high as possible,) I experienced an intense pain at the occiput and a blinding light that lasted less than a minute.  Followed by dizziness and some nausea.  Feeling the neck afterward, the tissue was swollen and inflamed.  But, even more importantly—and, imho, a small miracle–the natural curve of the cervical vertebrae reasserted itself… a curve missing since the TBI during a head-on car collision in in 1983.  I celebrated the return of an opening flow in the channel… not fully realizing the extent of what that meant…

Continue reading “Incoming AhnyaLi-a glimpse into multidimensional Awakening”

The Role of Cannabinoids in Health and Happiness

Did you know that every cell has 15,000 biochemical interactions every second?  And, did you know that there are, on average, 38 billion cells in a human body?  38 billion cells, each processing 15,000 chemical interactions per second.  That’s a lot of processes per second! And how does the body keep it all working effectively?  Cannabinoids.

Yep.  Every cell has cannabinoid receptors–both on the exterior and interior of the cell.  The cannabinoids connect to the cell’s physiology via receptor sites and modulate the 15,000 biochemical interactions to make sure they are in harmony with each other and maintain the homeostasis of a healthy body and balanced (ie happy) mental and emotional attitude.  In fact, the current hypothesis amongst scientists studying the Endocannabinoid System is that a deficiency of cannabinoids is the very first indicator of declining health.  Eventually disease follows if not restored. Continue reading “The Role of Cannabinoids in Health and Happiness”

Changeless Perfection–How Life Works

spirituality, Mystery, meditation, shamanismHow cool would that be?  Infinite bliss–heaven on earth, right?  All good things in all ways throughout all time. I know that’s what I thought I was aspiring toward thirty some years ago when I was first introduced to the idea that I could create the experiences I wanted by focusing my mind to think the “right” thoughts.

And I was diligent.  Dedicated.  I wrote affirmations daily.  I studied and researched the new age thought movement with passion.  I visualized.  I practiced care with the words I chose to speak.  I even wrote my graduate thesis on how perception influences experience.  I was a bona fide expert on the topic…but it didn’t stop my car (with me in it) from being rear-ended on an icy freeway that resulted in a head-on collision with a concrete wall the same week I submitted that thesis.  All of those affirmations and all of that research didn’t stop me from developing a head injury and type 1 diabetes because of that car crash.

Still, that accident didn’t change my belief that–if I could alter circumstances with the power of my mind–I could live in a state of well-being and happiness that would create changeless perfection.  Rather, my beliefs led me down a path of thinking I must have created the accident.  That’s the other side of the logic in believing that I can create heaven on earth with my thoughts.  And the belief that I created bad things happening to me while I was trying to create good things…well, that belief led me through years of attempting to figure out how to align myself with all good things even as I lived with sucky things (aka type 1 diabetes) and felt powerless to change them (aka type 1 diabetes.) Continue reading “Changeless Perfection–How Life Works”

Tell Me What You Want–How Life Works

spiritual healing, meditation
Tell me what you want.

It’s been a few months since I put fingers to keyboard in the hope of communicating something fresh–something to inspire and activate your sense of wonder and wellbeing.  I just reread my last article (Emerging Awakened) and–it’s true–I come new and “naked” and open.  So, tell me what you want.

I am listening.  These days, that’s most of what I “do.”  I listen.  To thoughts, to words, to the sound of silence, to the brilliance of others…  And–in the listening–somewhere in the vastness that is MIND, dots connect into lines that become answers and understanding.  From both directions.  And the shapes–or blocks of thought and feeling–that emerge are woven into the weft of All I Am.

I would love to listen to you and discover where it leads.  Tell me what you want.  These days, that’s how my life works. Continue reading “Tell Me What You Want–How Life Works”

Emerging Awakened

john of god, spiritual awakening
All I Am embodies love and lives the multi-dimensional experience.

Deep and quiet.  That’s what I am.  While the world around me shops and bakes and prepares to celebrate, I go deep and quiet.  Solstice approaches, and I abide.

I am coming to an end.  The “me” that you’ve known for as long as you’ve known me… is coming to an end. This isn’t the first time I’ve changed characters in a movie.  Not the first time my orientation from one moment to the next blinked into a new paradigm and transformed my “being” in the world.  I spent two years living on the streets of Chicago and Toronto as a teen and returned to society reshaped.  I lived through death in a head-on car collision and found myself back in this world reconfigured.  I’ve survived more than a few health crises…and been transformed through them

It is the first time, though, that I am doing it softly–consciously–as one in the awakening process who chooses to claim “awakened.”

I am stepping out of old roles like old clothes.  Feeling the loss of each memory in every well-worn item, yet recognizing the need to let go.  Indeed, it’s been a year-long purge of my closet–layer by layer, my most recent identity stripped away.  If I am to walk naked for awhile, so be it.

The shift so many of us anticipated in 2013 is coming for me now.  I feel it.  It is only days or breaths away.  And I go deep and quiet in preparation.

Continue reading “Emerging Awakened”

Abadiania! First Day of Trip Seven–John of God

John of God, Casa Dom Ignacio, spiritual healing, diabetes
Meditation garden at the Casa

Life got us to Abadiania safe and sound.  Tired and perhaps a little ragged around the edges after twenty-four hours of travel…safe and sound, though, nonetheless.

My blood sugars started dropping on the flight from Miami to Brasilia, and–by the time–we touched ground and climbed into the taxi for the hour and half drive to Abadiania–I was eating Lara bars non stop and could not get my blood sugar over 57.  This isn’t a new experience in Abadiania.  I’m just a little more prepared this time and started dropping insulin dosages right away.

Besides the dry, clear blue day, what made the biggest impression upon us as we drove through the Brazilian landscape is the amount of growth and building that is happening. Continue reading “Abadiania! First Day of Trip Seven–John of God”


BLAU_N~1I found her in the closet.  Wedged back into the corner, knees pulled against her chest, she hid her eyes behind small hands.  Hoping, perhaps, that I would not see her if she could not see me.  It was an old closet–dusty and filled with long forgotten things stored for long forgotten reasons.

There she was.

I clambered over and around boxes to get to her.  I squeezed into the small space beside her and gathered her into my arms, holding her head close to my beating heart.  “I found you,” I whispered.

“I think my heart is broken,” she mumbled into my sweater, “It hurts.”

I rocked her gently.  “It’s ok,” I soothed, “I found you.  I’m here.  It’s ok.”

For a timeless long time, we sat together rocking.  Then, she turned her big, sad eyes to mine, “Am I safe now?”

And I answered, “We’ll stay here–together–until you know you are.”


Where does your vulnerable, small self hide?  Have you searched yet?  Continue reading “Found–Awakening”

Devotion, My Favorite Emotion in Awakening

devotion, awakening, meditation, prayerI used to say it was love.  I used to say love was the end all of all emotions…which is not to say that I knew what love was.  Indeed, even today I hear the word love and I struggle to grasp the full intention of its meaning.  God is Love–I hear that often…and wonder: if I knew God, then would I know love?  Or, if I embodied love, would I fully grasp what God is?  We are always choosing between love and fear–that’s another trendy thought bandied about in spiritual circles these days.  If it is really that simple, why do so many of us find the choice as challenging as climbing Mt Everest?

I tried and tried to make love my “word,” my favorite emotion…but couldn’t find my way between love as a noun, a verb, or an adverb.  I asked for something I could embrace with the wholehearted action of a verb, and I got it: Continue reading “Devotion, My Favorite Emotion in Awakening”

Leading Through Resonance–Creative Leadership

leadership, creative process, awakeningWe humans continually explore the concept of leadership–how to lead effectively, how to lead creatively, how to lead…period.  Parents call it parenting.  Managers call it managing.  Politicians call it governing.  Call it what you will, leadership runs through our culture and society like a necessary part of the infra-structure we call Life.

In our exploration of the leadership dynamic, we can look to nature as well.  The organization of ants and bees have clearly defined roles…who defines those roles?  That entity would, by definition, be the leader, right?  Dogs establish hierarchies determined by who is the alpha in the pack, and that clarity is demonstrated by behaviors that mark the alpha dog as “preferred” in all circumstance–a role many leaders in the human world also claim.  The interactions among horses is often about who is the leader right now…they jockey with body language for the coveted position of controlling the herd with a flick of their ears or a strategic placement of body.  With horses, the leader is the one who moves everyone else without moving themselves.  They lead from behind.

Whether we are leaders who forge ahead blazing a trail that others follow (because it’s easier than clearing a new trail, oftentimes) or whether we lead by strength of will and an inclination toward strong opinion, in every interaction there is a component of leading–or being led–in the relationship dynamic, I think.  All of us have our own leading–and being led–style, and the operative question is: how well is it working in creating the satisfaction and fulfillment we desire? Continue reading “Leading Through Resonance–Creative Leadership”

Pondering Leadership – How Life Works

awakening, avatar, worship, leadershipI was offered a complimentary astrology reading recently.  I have a variety of feelings about astrology:  On the one hand, it makes sense to me that the configuration of planets at the moment of my emergence into physical form would somehow reflect a vibratory resonance to the nature of my own personality quirks.  On the other, I don’t understand how planetary formation can open the book into foretelling my future…or my past, for that matter.  In this regard, I give full trust only to my own sense of “truth” and “rightness” of any conjecture made by the passing of planets through my “orbit.” But, hey, a free reading…I’m willing to give my time for the possibility of an opening into new insights and deepening understandings.

So, I listened, and it was all very entertaining.  Who doesn’t love a block of time just about themselves?  I know, right?  Like finding out that I have, not only the same birthday as Edgar Cayce, but also the same rising sign and moon in the same sign as him.  I don’t really know what it means, but it’s pretty cool, right? There was one area, though–and that’s really what this article is about–that engaged my mind to a new level of reflection.  Continue reading “Pondering Leadership – How Life Works”