We humans continually explore the concept of leadership–how to lead effectively, how to lead creatively, how to lead…period. Parents call it parenting. Managers call it managing. Politicians call it governing. Call it what you will, leadership runs through our culture and society like a necessary part of the infra-structure we call Life.
In our exploration of the leadership dynamic, we can look to nature as well. The organization of ants and bees have clearly defined roles…who defines those roles? That entity would, by definition, be the leader, right? Dogs establish hierarchies determined by who is the alpha in the pack, and that clarity is demonstrated by behaviors that mark the alpha dog as “preferred” in all circumstance–a role many leaders in the human world also claim. The interactions among horses is often about who is the leader right now…they jockey with body language for the coveted position of controlling the herd with a flick of their ears or a strategic placement of body. With horses, the leader is the one who moves everyone else without moving themselves. They lead from behind.
Whether we are leaders who forge ahead blazing a trail that others follow (because it’s easier than clearing a new trail, oftentimes) or whether we lead by strength of will and an inclination toward strong opinion, in every interaction there is a component of leading–or being led–in the relationship dynamic, I think. All of us have our own leading–and being led–style, and the operative question is: how well is it working in creating the satisfaction and fulfillment we desire? Continue reading “Leading Through Resonance–Creative Leadership”