Fresh Starts – Ho’oponopono Resets Your Vibration

ho'oponopono, law of attraction, awakening, vibrationThe grass is growing again.  Flowers blossom at every turn; their fragrance a reminder that we are in the Season of fresh starts and new beginnings.

Nature provides the gift of Winter where the chill slows the patterns of growth to their dormancy, and sleep allows a stasis that suspends and clears the previous Season’s effort away.  Nature evokes the ‘death’ that fosters new life.  New beginnings and fresh starts.

In our evolution as human beings, we are given the gift of a new beginning with each birth.  Then, as we develop through the stages of Life, it becomes one of the opportunities/challenges of our evolution to learn how to integrate experience in such a way that we can stay fresh in our aliveness. Continue reading “Fresh Starts – Ho’oponopono Resets Your Vibration”

I See You – the Clear Field of Ho’oponopono

This note is for you, my friend (and you know who you are).

All I Am, awakening, law of attraction, ho'oponoponoI see you.  Not your education nor the Life experiences that shape your perspective.  I see you.

Peel away the layers of opinion.  Wipe away the distortions of the personality that settle like grime on glass.  Take away the defensive stances and declarations for limitation.  Release the impulse to hide behind any of it.

Because I see you.

Clear and fresh, flowing like a mountain spring.  Your clarity refreshes me and nourishes my sensibilities. Continue reading “I See You – the Clear Field of Ho’oponopono”

Happy for No Reason – Law of Attraction in Action

law of attraction, happiness, It’s easy to be happy when there’s a good reason.  When people are kind and events work out well.  It’s easy to feel good when circumstances fulfill desires and the future unfolds according to plan.  As a response to good fortune or when Life gives good reason, it’s easy to be happy.

But then, there are situations that conflict and people who refuse to cooperate.  There are events that upset the rhythms of a well ordered day and words aimed with barbs attached.  Life isn’t always a sunny day filled with fragrant blossoms.  Sometimes, there is no good reason to be happy. Continue reading “Happy for No Reason – Law of Attraction in Action”

Diabetes – An Expert Teacher – Part 4; not a cautionary tale

Let me explain.

Diabetes, Law of Attraction, ho'oponopono, Carl Jung, IndividuationAnyone reading the first three segments of “Diabetes – An Expert Teacher” might start to think this is a story of what can go wrong if Diabetes isn’t managed well.  Understandably.  However, this story is about so much more.

Carl Jung defines the primary drive of living as a process called Individuation.  He describes the human experience as one of continual expansion and inclusion of the aspects in our nature that are both sub-conscious and super-conscious, merging and evolving into more and more wholeness of Being.  Individuation.  He says, further, that the experiences that challenge us most offer us the greatest opportunity to embrace and integrate the shadow-aspect of Self; the parts of us most unconscious and/or denied. Continue reading “Diabetes – An Expert Teacher – Part 4; not a cautionary tale”

Diving Deep Into All I Am – Law of Attraction Spans All Time

law of attraction, ho'oponopono, diabetes, spiritual awakeningThe deeper I go within, the more benefit I find in replacing the past with Love.

The more I disengage with the circumstance of my Life as the cause of how I feel, the more I discover repeating patterns in the stories I use to explain my feelings.  I find that the “justified offense” I’ve taken from someone in my current circle is exactly the same feeling I felt many years ago in a similar situation.  And, perhaps even more relevant, when I remove both people from the story I am left with the same sadness.  The only constant is me.

“My cup of joy is carved deep by sorrow.” Continue reading “Diving Deep Into All I Am – Law of Attraction Spans All Time”

Diabetes – An Expert Teacher: part 3; the tarbaby called guilt

diabetes, expert teacher, guilt, emotions, ho'oponoponoI found relief for the immediate internal conflicts between what I knew I ‘should’ do to manage Diabetes and what my emotional urgings demanded by refusing to test blood sugar levels. To my mind at the time, it was a simple and elegant strategy. Since my friends didn’t know enough to question the absence of this step in my regimen, it seemed – along with the flawed logic that created it – a perfect solution that allowed me the ability to socialize and eat more like ‘normal people.’ Without realizing it, I had placed one hand firmly into the the Tar Baby.

Br’er Rabbit from Songs of the South made the Tar Baby – a mound of sticky tar shaped to look like a person – famous when he sought to teach it a lesson by slapping, hitting, and kicking it.. to no avail. Because not only did the Tar Baby not feel anything, but everything Br’er Rabbit threw at the mound of tar, stuck to it – Leaving our friend, the rabbit, unable to free himself from his flawed solution.

For me, the sticky trap was more subtle. Continue reading “Diabetes – An Expert Teacher: part 3; the tarbaby called guilt”

Ho’oponopono Made Simple – Law of Attraction In Action

ho'oponopono, law of attraction, vibrational fieldThere are many versions of the ancient Polynesian practice, Ho’oponopono.  This one is not those. 

This version is what happens when a Jungian therapist/Meditation teacher who studies law of attraction decides she wants to fit the practice of Ho’oponopono into her daily ‘western civilization’ Life.  There is also a broad worldview associated to the practice.  You can search Google to read about it (or wait until I feel inspired to reflect upon it; >)  That’s my disclaimer, and the rest is my $.02 to spend as you will. Continue reading “Ho’oponopono Made Simple – Law of Attraction In Action”

Diabetes – An Expert Teacher: Part 2; the slippery slope

The mind can be a tricky terrain to navigate.

self esteem, physical well being, law of attraction, ho'oponoponoAs my dedication to following ‘the perfect Diabetic plan’ faltered, I struggled.  The voice of Science played in one of corner of my mind with hard facts; the cause and effect of high blood sugars and low blood sugars.  The melody was fearful and reinforced a hum of anxiety on the periphery of my consciousness.  Over it, however, what played louder and stronger in my awareness was a need for relief.  I needed friends; I needed to eat a treat; I needed to feel normal.

My mind, in its attempt to find a path through the clashing sounds these contradicting thoughts and feelings made, came up with a simple – albeit flawed – solution: Stop testing blood sugar. Continue reading “Diabetes – An Expert Teacher: Part 2; the slippery slope”

Diabetes – An Expert Teacher

Diabetes, Diabetes expert, diabetes lifestyle, law of attractionA friend told me recently that I am a model Diabetic.  We were traveling together, and – as she watched me testing my blood sugar and injecting insulin before every meal; as she observed me carefully selecting foods and reading ingredient labels to maintain a sugar free diet – she noted that I was the exception to her experience with others in her life who lived with Diabetes.

I thought about that.

It was 28 years ago that I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and told I would forever require insulin injections, would forever live with the range of complications that high blood sugar creates, and would forever have to be ‘on a diet’…  until I died – probably from one of the Diabetic complications.  In the next breath, the doctor told me I would get used to the changes in my life, and it would come to be as easy as brushing my teeth.  I wasn’t all that great at oral hygiene then, and his metaphor was lost on me.  To me, it was a pretty big deal. Continue reading “Diabetes – An Expert Teacher”

John of God – Final Thoughts

John of God, Spiritual healing, diabetes, ho'oponopono
Love where the rabbit-hole takes me

I flew back to western civilization a little over a week ago.  When friends asked me how it went, the first comment consistently out of my mouth was, “I spent a week without TV; without reading; without driving anywhere to do anything, and I was never once bored.

I can’t say for certain why – what it was about simple lifestyle and reflective focus that took me through a rabbit-hole into timeless Being.  I can say the experience left me wanting more of the same.

Immanuel and the Casa staff emphasized ‘the process’. Continue reading “John of God – Final Thoughts”