Fresh Starts – Ho’oponopono Resets Your Vibration

ho'oponopono, law of attraction, awakening, vibrationThe grass is growing again.  Flowers blossom at every turn; their fragrance a reminder that we are in the Season of fresh starts and new beginnings.

Nature provides the gift of Winter where the chill slows the patterns of growth to their dormancy, and sleep allows a stasis that suspends and clears the previous Season’s effort away.  Nature evokes the ‘death’ that fosters new life.  New beginnings and fresh starts.

In our evolution as human beings, we are given the gift of a new beginning with each birth.  Then, as we develop through the stages of Life, it becomes one of the opportunities/challenges of our evolution to learn how to integrate experience in such a way that we can stay fresh in our aliveness.

This, I believe, is the mystery all philosophical and spiritual seekers search to solve: how to stay fresh in our aliveness.  How do we make peace with a past that shaped our perceptions of reality?  How do we release an experience that colors our feelings and influences our decision-making?  How do we free ourselves from a pattern that repeats itself over and over again?

How can we make a fresh start?

Ho’oponopono means ‘to make right’ in the ancient Hawai’ian language.  To make right means to clear the energetic field of every vibration save love and positive regard (see I Walk the Line).  The Kahunas of ancient Polynesia found their Source of power by maintaining a clear energetic field in every moment by practicing Ho’oponopono, living a Fresh Start in every moment.

For me, a fresh start has many layers.  I start fresh every morning when I awaken, greeting the day with eagerness for the adventure to come.  I start fresh every time I clear a grievance from my energetic field; every time I let go of a memory that blocks love, I make a fresh start.  Fresh starts are the brush with which I paint my world.  Colors that flow from love feel more vibrant to me; I like to keep my brush clean, my thoughts aligned in a flow of positive regard.  I love knowing that, through the art of Ho’oponopono, I can always start again.

All I Am, awakening, law of attraction, ho'oponoponoWe are in the Season of fresh starts.  Some of them may be grand, like bare tree blossoming overnight, a new relationship, or a new job.  Some of them may be subtle, like a fragrance of jasmine in the air or a shift of in perspective.  All fresh starts matter; all fresh starts have power (see In the Midst of a Ripple). 

If there is a pattern that brings anything but more joy and more love into Life, make a fresh start.  Begin again.  Will you join me?

Thank you.  I love you.

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