Diving Deep Into All I Am – Law of Attraction Spans All Time

law of attraction, ho'oponopono, diabetes, spiritual awakeningThe deeper I go within, the more benefit I find in replacing the past with Love.

The more I disengage with the circumstance of my Life as the cause of how I feel, the more I discover repeating patterns in the stories I use to explain my feelings.  I find that the “justified offense” I’ve taken from someone in my current circle is exactly the same feeling I felt many years ago in a similar situation.  And, perhaps even more relevant, when I remove both people from the story I am left with the same sadness.  The only constant is me.

“My cup of joy is carved deep by sorrow.”

When I discovered this poem, I found resonance with it.  Now, as I dive deeper and deeper into All I Am, I realize another layer of the Truth it holds for me:  I have to let the sorrow empty from the cup, before I can fill it with joy.

All I Am seems at times to contain a vast and deep iceberg; my conscious awareness just the tip.  I dive deep; trusting in my capacity to find my way through the cold terrain; embracing the dark, lonely places.  Trusting Love to be the strongest part of All I Am; both beacon to reach towards and instinctive knowing for when to reach.   Trusting the Love to find and lift me into Grace.  All I Am.

ho'oponopono, law of attraction, vortex of creationMy mantra: I awaken through awareness.  With awareness, I bring Light.  The Light melts the trapped energies and releases them into a Loving Universe. 

And my cup opens just a little deeper, welcoming deLight into it.

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2 Replies to “Diving Deep Into All I Am – Law of Attraction Spans All Time”

  1. I have been finding that too, that as the sorrow drains out, love rushes in. But as your poem says, the sorrow has made the cup able to hold even more love. So on the days or hours when the sorrow returns, I welcome it, honor it, even see the beauty of it, appreciate the feeling of its depth, knowing that it increases my capacity for love. I find it is a dance, maybe of courage, to allow the sorrow, to hold it, knowing that the next tide will bring even greater joy. May your journey always be full and forward, dear friend 🙂

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