Tis the Season

A time when almost every culture on Earth celebrates a story of miracles.  A time when joyful amazement sets the tone for celebration and rejoicing.

Law of attraction, Winter Solstice, holidaysFor me, the miracle story closest to my heart wraps around the turning seasons.  Tis the Season of Solstice when the darkest night reflects the faith of a people dependent upon the warmth of the sun for sustenance and survival.  It is a time to come together and celebrate faith – faith in the turning cycles that will bring warmth and sunlight again – before there is any evidence of Light’s return.  In the darkness, people gather to share what is left of the last harvest’s bounty in belief of the bounty to come; to rejoice in the appreciation of faith.

The Solstice is a celebration of hope.  I love celebrating hope and faith. Continue reading “Tis the Season”

When Love Flows – Law of Attraction in Action

Love is an intangible.  Elusive to define.  Is Love the cloud passing through the sky, at the whim of winds and moisture and other circumstance?  Or is love the sky?

law of attraction, vortex of attraction, vibrational alignmentThe effects of love are more concrete.  Optimism and hopefulness attend the presence of love.  Love evokes appreciation… and, perhaps, appreciation evokes love.  Where there is love, it is easier to laugh and relax and enjoy the moment just as it is.

 Can you imagine a moment when you felt love flowing through you for someone or something? Imagine feeling like that about everyone and everything. When love flows, appreciation and wellbeing are always present. Imagine living a Life of love…. Continue reading “When Love Flows – Law of Attraction in Action”

Strongest of the Strong – Awakening

There is a shift in the air.  Can you feel it?  I do. 

Many religions and cultures have a story about this time and the changes that are imminent.  I don’t know which ones are true.  I only know what I feel – with my senses and my Soul.  I see it like law of attraction, ho'oponopono, vortex of attractiona shimmer in the air around me; the trees vibrate with aliveness.  I hear the Voice within with more clarity and depth.  I touch from a distance now…  before my skin makes contact, I am “in” contact.  My Soul rejoices, calling me in jubilant tones to continue..  continue.

The stories I hear tell me of Earth changes and hard times and many deaths for ‘unbelievers’.  The stories attempt to describe the undescribe-able:  a world changed beyond what has ever been before.  The stories say to prepare; to gather resources and be ready to live without modern convenience.

The stories evoke fear.

But all that I experience evokes vitality and awakening. Continue reading “Strongest of the Strong – Awakening”

It’s a Paradox – Law of Attraction

Sedona, meditation, vortex“On the brink”.  I’ve used that phrase before to describe the experience of being so close to a manifestation I can smell and taste it. It’s a feeling of eagerness and anticipation that excites me to the core of my Being, and I continually find new desires to flow my focus towards so that I can feel it again and again. It’s like the feeling of planning an adventure, and beginning the plans for a new adventure on the plane ride home from the last one. That’s how I roll.

Sometimes, I realize I’m juggling so many eager anticipations that I start to feel a little overwhelmed or anxious that one may fall short. Continue reading “It’s a Paradox – Law of Attraction”

I’ve Been Watching Politics

politics, solutions, law of attraction, vortex of attraction
Watching Politics

At first, it was an exploration into Perspective.  Listening to viewpoints of divergent philosophy, I learned these ideologies are the filter through which ‘reality’ shapes itself.  It doesn’t matter what the event is, any particular point-of-view interprets the meaning and solutions according to its basic premise of belief.  At first, intrigued by what the fundamental concepts of each ideology were, I listened to the dialogues on cable TV news to learn.

Then, I wondered if the discussion between different perspectives – say liberal and conservative – ever influenced each other to evolve.  That, I speculated, would be the value of all the discourse I watched.  Over time, I realized that – not only did dialogues not shift through discussion – they actually grew so repetitive I could fill in the words myself by using the catchy phrases and pithy rhetoric that each side of an issue relies upon to elaborate their position. 

Indeed, the only changing variable I noted was the emotional tone.  From even-handed to sarcastic and all the way to outraged, politicians and pundits alike seemed to vary their speeches in feeling volume rather than development of concepts.  I came to the conclusion that an evolution of substance could only come through stepping out beyond the ideologies and their limitations of bias. Continue reading “I’ve Been Watching Politics”

Power Rhymes with Flower – Law of Attraction in Action

Power, law of attraction, vortex of attraction, freedomI will do just about anything to feel powerful.  I don’t know if I was born that way or raised in a culture that shaped me so.  But I will do just about anything to feel powerful because – more than anything – I want to feel free.

In the beginning, power came with approval.  If I could determine who had the power (mother, teacher, popular girls, bosses) and gain their approval, I wielded power by association.  In the beginning, I didn’t think I had any power at all; I had to beg, borrow, and manipulate to obtain any sense of freedom.

I watched the world around me, and I learned attitude made a difference. Continue reading “Power Rhymes with Flower – Law of Attraction in Action”

Abiding in Grace – Life in the Vortex

vortex of attraction, law of attraction, meditation, vibrational alignmentSome days I don’t have much to say. Some days, I just bebop through without deep insight or wisdom on which to hang my sense of self. Some days, I strive to understand and explore meaning.  I used to think I had to be witty and wise to count for something. I used to believe that; some days I still do.

Today, though, I have a new idea. It’s ok to be diffuse. Indeed, today I believe I hear deeper and absorb more of the silent whispers that Guidance murmurs in the soft fuzziness. Continue reading “Abiding in Grace – Life in the Vortex”

Sanctuary for the Divine – Physical Well-being Re-defiined

self esteem, physical well being, law of attraction, ho'oponoponoOur bodies are sanctuaries for the Divine. I read that yesterday, and it stopped my mind in its tracks.
 That’s a good thing.

I’ve tended to think of my body and other peoples’ bodies, as I believe most of us do, in terms of function and size and shape; measuring always how it could do better, look better, feel better. For most of my Life experience, how I measured myself to this criteria determined my sense of esteem and confidence on this playground called Earth.

My body is a sanctuary for the Divine. Continue reading “Sanctuary for the Divine – Physical Well-being Re-defiined”