Abiding in Grace – Life in the Vortex

vortex of attraction, law of attraction, meditation, vibrational alignmentSome days I don’t have much to say. Some days, I just bebop through without deep insight or wisdom on which to hang my sense of self. Some days, I strive to understand and explore meaning.  I used to think I had to be witty and wise to count for something. I used to believe that; some days I still do.

Today, though, I have a new idea. It’s ok to be diffuse. Indeed, today I believe I hear deeper and absorb more of the silent whispers that Guidance murmurs in the soft fuzziness. 

Most days, I am a focuser. It’s my nature. I intend and summon and ride focus to fruition. It’s an equation that works for me. Most days.

Today, I am a receiver. I abide in a stillness that is open and aware.  I abide in the suspended moment between breathe out and breathe in.  The world washes through me, and I feel the patterns and messages by how they resonate in stillness.

Thoughts are present; they flow like wind through the leaves of a tree. Feelings are present, and I tumble and roll and leap and twirl as they move through me like clouds in the sky. I absorb the nuance and am buoyed in a new knowing.

Doing and creating and making and molding is fun. Being is an abiding sense of connection that, for me, is a gentle happiness. Happiness beyond caring what it will create or infer – happieness just because – makes the fun of focusing and doing more carefree; more willing to let the creation evolve in the process of becoming.

I am the creator and the evolving creation. And I like both. I am abiding in Grace.  Blessed.
Thank you. I love you.

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