Ahnalira’s Detox Protocol

terpenes, medical cannabis, John of God, meditation, psychic surgery, spine injury, diabetes, ho'oponoponoHow do you know that a detox protocol is a good idea for you? When you have a health goal that seems stalled regardless of your effort, chances are the biochemistry of your body is compromised by environmental toxins, heavy metals, and/or pathogens.  If you have a chronic health condition that compromises your vitality, it’s likely your body needs help detoxifying the debris from daily metabolism.  If, like me with autoimmune hepatitis and autoimmune encephalitis, you find yourself in the midst of a health crisis…detoxification may be your lifejacket back to shore.

For me, the process of discovery led me through at least 50 hours of medical lectures and conferences to develop an understanding of how I could detoxify my severely compromised body safely.  This is what I learned…and am learning ; >) Continue reading “Ahnalira’s Detox Protocol”

Changeless Perfection–How Life Works

spirituality, Mystery, meditation, shamanismHow cool would that be?  Infinite bliss–heaven on earth, right?  All good things in all ways throughout all time. I know that’s what I thought I was aspiring toward thirty some years ago when I was first introduced to the idea that I could create the experiences I wanted by focusing my mind to think the “right” thoughts.

And I was diligent.  Dedicated.  I wrote affirmations daily.  I studied and researched the new age thought movement with passion.  I visualized.  I practiced care with the words I chose to speak.  I even wrote my graduate thesis on how perception influences experience.  I was a bona fide expert on the topic…but it didn’t stop my car (with me in it) from being rear-ended on an icy freeway that resulted in a head-on collision with a concrete wall the same week I submitted that thesis.  All of those affirmations and all of that research didn’t stop me from developing a head injury and type 1 diabetes because of that car crash.

Still, that accident didn’t change my belief that–if I could alter circumstances with the power of my mind–I could live in a state of well-being and happiness that would create changeless perfection.  Rather, my beliefs led me down a path of thinking I must have created the accident.  That’s the other side of the logic in believing that I can create heaven on earth with my thoughts.  And the belief that I created bad things happening to me while I was trying to create good things…well, that belief led me through years of attempting to figure out how to align myself with all good things even as I lived with sucky things (aka type 1 diabetes) and felt powerless to change them (aka type 1 diabetes.) Continue reading “Changeless Perfection–How Life Works”

Loving Our Bodies–The Lessons of Healing

loving our bodies, healing, leadership, creative process, awakeningMy new theme for all the writing here is: Come live in the rainbow with me, friends, and become the full spectrum light you are.  And, as usual, it’s through my personal journey of becoming that I gather these words to share.

To catch everyone up:

I traveled to Casa de Dom Inacio seven times over the course of four years. When I made my prayer requests for the healing of physical conditions (type 1 diabetes, spinal injuries, and hepatitis C) before every spiritual intervention, I didn’t fully understand that what I would receive from the entities there would be emotional and spiritual healings (see: Reflections from John of God) rather than the immediate release from physical imbalances.  OK…so that’s not exactly true–hepatitis C went into remission after the second visit, and my insulin requirements went down by half over the course of all the visits.  It was, however, during the next to last visit to the Casa, when the entity, Dr. Augusto, told me to get lab work done (see: Final Day of Trip 6) that I began my journey of healing the physical body. Continue reading “Loving Our Bodies–The Lessons of Healing”

Abadiania, Day 3 of Trip 7–John of God

John of God, spirtual awakeningDay two disappeared into post-spiritual intervention seclusion.  Let me tell you about it, shall I?

The Casa was overflowing yesterday (Wednesday) morning, all of us eager and excited in the already very warm October day.  John of God invites people who feel the call to come in for a spiritual intervention now without having to stand before him and receive a directive…though, of course, this is still an option.  It’s all about following the inner voice of guidance. I was in the revision line, and when they called for people in my line to volunteer for a spiritual intervention, I felt the call 😀

My requests for this spiritual intervention were:

  • to embody love and live the miracle
  • to heal damages done to spine and spinal cord through injuries and surgeries
  • to heal autoimmune conditions, type 1 diabetes and hashimoto’s

Continue reading “Abadiania, Day 3 of Trip 7–John of God”

Three Visits to John of God – A Pictoral Documentation

John of God, Abadiania, Casa Dom Ignacio, spiritual healingIn 2011, I visited John of God at Casa Dom Ignacio in Abadiania, Brazil three times – for 1 week in February, 12 days in June, and 12 Days in December.  Overall, I participated in the Current room, experienced the Crystal Beds and Sacred Waterfall in addition to the 5 spiritual surgeries I received.  All of these visits have blog and vlog entries on this site (see the John of God category in the column to the right).  I thought it would be interesting, though — in preparation for my next visit in June, 2012 — to put a few pictures up from these previous visits to document the visible changes.  What can I say?  My idea of a good time; >)

So, let’s begin with February, 2011.  I went for one week.  It was a spur of the moment trip made primarily to support a friend who was healing from a cancer surgery.  I didn’t really know much about Medium Joao or Casa Dom Ignacio — just that I was willing to experience and benefit from whatever happened. Continue reading “Three Visits to John of God – A Pictoral Documentation”

40 Days Done – John of God

John of God, Medium Joao, Casa Dom IgnacioAccording to the protocols at Casa Dom Ignacio, today marks the end of the 40 day post-spiritual surgery phase.  Now, it is time to take stock and assess my John of God experience.

The first question I asked myself:  Have I ever witnessed anyone having a “miraculous” physical healing experience in Abadiania? (I pondered this question because, for me, the process has proven incremental and more like the peeling away of layers than anything that could be considered instantaneous).  I asked myself this question, expecting the answer to be no.  But I surprised myself – I did witness one on this last trip in December.  My partner, Alan, was prescribed the energetically charged herbs the one time he went before Medium Joao at the beginning of our experience.  He spent the rest of his Casa days meditating in the Current room – no spiritual surgery for him at all.  After the first day of meditation, he mentioned that he felt a lot of pain in his neck through the experience.  He pointed to where the pain had been and I immediately noted that a bump (fairly large) he’d had in his spinal column at the base of his neck for as long as I’d known him – and probably since he’d had spinal meningitis as a young child – was gone.  His spine was totally smooth and aligned… and has been that way since.

I think that qualifies as an instantaneous (aka miraculous) result.

John of God, Medium Joao, spiritual healingBut, like I said, for me it’s been different.  Perhaps because in the almost 59 years I’ve been blessed with this body, I’ve adventured mightily and let Life take its toll – Hepatitus C found me while I was a street-kid, type 1 Diabetes in the aftermath of a high speed head-on automobile accident, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis came on the heels of a diabetic coma, two fractured vertebrae in a horse riding accident, and the multiple physical complications from all of the above just to mention the highlights.  Some might say I’ve managed to stay alive this long on will and spiritual intervention (see:  When I Died – A Story of Awakening).

And, as they say at Casa Dom Ignacio, the physical conditions are the “low hanging fruits”.  The emotional traumas of childhood and an adolescence lived on the streets left their markers as well. Continue reading “40 Days Done – John of God”

Reflections Into a New Paradigm – John of God

John of God, spiritual healing, diabetesWhen I returned home from my first visit to the Casa Dom Ignacio in February, 2011, I wrote about my expanded understanding of what a “spiritual surgery” is (see John of God – The Process Continues).  When I returned from the second adventure in June, 2011, I described more the personality process of integration for myself and people for whom I made prayer requests (see John of God Update)  Now, I am back from the third pilgrimage in 10 months – and the most intensive immersion in the healing, spiritual energies yet – and ready to reflect again.

To recap:  When we arrived, I still had two sacred waterfall visits from those prescribed in June to complete, and I had an intention to go as deeply into the healing energies of the Entities as possible.  This translated into standing before Medium Joao in a trance state as often as the protocol allowed and following the directions given me.  As it turned out, every time I stood before the Entity present through Medium Joao, I was directed to a spiritual surgery.  In the course of twelve days – and two rounds of Casa Dom Ignacio activities – I received three spiritual surgeries. Continue reading “Reflections Into a New Paradigm – John of God”

Post Spiritual Surgery, Day 4 – John of God December 2011

Wednesday morning, we walked the 5 minute walk from our Pousada to Casa Dom Ignacio, our requests in hand and eager to greet John and which ever Entities were present.  The English speaking orientation the evening before had been only lightly attended and we wondered if the numbers would also be light as the Casa began its week.  They weren’t.  If anything, there were more people from a variety of countries than we’d ever seen before.  We heard many European languages as well as Russian and some I couldn’t recognize. Continue reading “Post Spiritual Surgery, Day 4 – John of God December 2011”