It’s picking up here in Abadiania. We see the waves of people coming into town for this week’s cycle. We missed this on our first visit; it’s fascinating to watch! The sense of anticipation and hope is almost palpable.
I am in my own rhythm with the John of God process. Still in the midst of the 8 day post “surgery” process, my dream life is very active; it seems to me that I am encountering in my dreams the emotions and patterns of behavior surfacing as part of the healing pathway. As I did in February, I am practicing Ho’oponopono to clear old attachments and open myself deeper to the love and light of the Entities.
It seems to me as though those of us who are in this process recognize each other; there is an acknowledgement in the eyes that says, “We are connected in our healing.” It is a deep feeling of quiet joy for me. Each day brings me further into a sense of abiding peace. I cherish this state and hope to absorb it so purely that it lifts me into a new set point of Being.
Every day until we leave, I will do a Crystal Bath and visit the Waterfall. I believe I am transformed in the currents of both, and I am willing and open to be the vessel through which Light and Love pour into the world. So be it and so it is.
For sure, you’re on the right track, baby!
Nice shoutout to Lady Gaga
Lady GaGa and me are like this =======
You look YOUNG and serene.
Tanks, Jody:) I feel that way, too!