Final Day of Trip Six–John of God Reflections

John of God, Casa Dom Inacio, spiritual healingSitting in Frutti’s in our familiar corner amongst now-familiar faces sipping a spicy chai latte, this is our final evening in Abadiania.  The time for reflection has come.  A Casa volunteer told us this morning that this past two weeks has been the busiest time EVER at Casa de Dom Inacio–thousands of people engaging the entity incorporated in Medium Joao daily.  I imagine that the people who came a decade ago, or have been coming for many years, could speak eloquently about the changes within the Casa system in their time.  I am only three years into this exploration; for me it is apparent that the Casa is more organized and streamlined in how the crowds are managed, and I see that the sessions last hours longer even so.

One of the first changes I noted was the intent of the Casa volunteers to keep the main meeting/waiting room quiet.  “Shhhhhhhh,” they would remind the crowds when chatter created a rising hum, “Silence is prayer.  Please.”  I liked that.  I found the silence to be a buoyant support into connection with the energies.  It was in this peaceful quiet that one of the entities made direct contact with me on the first morning. (see: A Blessing Shared)  A connection that transformed the experience for me. Continue reading “Final Day of Trip Six–John of God Reflections”

Abadiania On The Horizon – John of God

Crystal Bed, John of God, Casa Dom InacioThe culmination of a long adventure is on the horizon. During my first visit to Casa Dom Inacio and John of God in February, 2011, I felt a strong sense that I would experience a series of five visits before the end of 2012 to complete the process I was beginning during that trip.  Now, it’s four trips later as the energies build for the final visit in this series at the end of December, 2012.

I look back over the last two years, and I stand in wonder at the all the ways my life changed.  Continue reading “Abadiania On The Horizon – John of God”

John of God – Abadiania Adventure June 2012, days 8 and 9

John of God, Abadiania, Casa Dom InacioThe Casa was overflowing yesterday morning…  easily two thousand people — many locals — come to make requests of John of God and the entities.  It is a certain type of spiritual practice to wait, I’ve decided, especially in very crowded rooms.  Again, my appreciation to the volunteers who are unendingly patient as they attempt to keep aisles clear and voices quiet.

When my time came to go before Medium Joao, he met my gaze and gently declared, “Operation.”

“Obrigada, ” I replied, and he nodded and smiled from his eyes. Continue reading “John of God – Abadiania Adventure June 2012, days 8 and 9”

John of God Vlog – Day 10; Celebration Preparations

Today, for the first time, I felt like I might be right at the edge of the amount of energy I could absorb and integrate.  After the fourth hour long crystal bath and 7th visit to the Sacred Waterfall (in a row), I thought I might be “done”…  but I’m rallying; >) 

John of God, health, Diabetes, psychic healingTomorrow is our final day this trip, and I’m going to take it the distance:  Current room in the morning, crystal bath and Sacred Waterfall in the afternoon.  Long nap afterward:PI have a feeling that – once I get home and actually rest for a few days – I’m going to feel in better health than ever before. 

Alan and I went exploring a pousada that wants to work with me today; that was a fun adventure.  What is more fun than a new adventure?  I’m not sure, but I’m willing to pursue the question further; >)

I learned a new word in Portuguese today: Bonita.  I means beautiful:)

Abrigada.  I love you.

John of God Vlog – Day 8; The Energies Build

Today at dinner, I heard people speaking German at one table and French at another.  A person went by on a bicycle speaking with an English accent.  Abadiania became an international hub overnight it seems.  Buses are bringing in groups of people as the moon builds to full, and the hum that is always in the air in Abadiania plays as a backdrop now to the voices that fill the town.

John of God, Abadiania, Casa Dom Ignacio, psychic healingTomorrow begins another cycle in The Casa with John of God.  We will sit in the Current room and meditate through the first session.  I’ve done this once before and experienced a series of unusual sensations along my spine.  I read and hear from others that the Entities are present and often do healings during the meditation.  I am willing.  I am also willing to support the healing of others as they engage with John of God and the Entities.  I am willing.

I love you.  Thank you.

John of God Vlog – Day 6; Abadiania Dining Review

Life is simple here in Abadiania, and the longer we stay the easier it is to understand how simplicity enhances a peaceful demeanor.  It’s interesting to me because Alan and I bring our work with us where ever we travel; we have our computers and our projects and we always find a way to incorporate them into our daily activity…  yet, here in Abadiania there is a noted ease – and absence of ‘edge’, if you will. Continue reading “John of God Vlog – Day 6; Abadiania Dining Review”

John of God Vlog – Arrival in Abadiania

9000+ miles in in just under 17 hours; It’s a miracle of modern technology. We’re here! The 1.5 drive from the airport in Brasilia to Abadiania is a quiet time. Neither Alan or I have much to say after our red-eye flight so watch the Brazilian world go by in silence. Alan, I think, is sleeping with his eyes open. I am reflecting on the last time we drove this route and eagerly anticipating each marker along the road that I remember.

12 days we are here, and I am excited on so many levels: Continue reading “John of God Vlog – Arrival in Abadiania”

John of God – Post Psychic Surgery

John of God, Prayer, diabetes, health, medical intuitiveWhen I first heard of the protocol to spend 24 hours in restful seclusion after the psychic surgery, I didn’t believe it possible.  I thought, “OK, I’ll stay in my room..  but what I do in there will be my own business.”  So I thought.

It wasn’t that I felt tired after the psychic surgery; it was more that resting in a prone position just seemed like a really good idea when I returned to the Pousada.  I lay on the bed and closed my eyes…  and immediately was transported into a trance-like state.  Continue reading “John of God – Post Psychic Surgery”