It is mid afternoon, and we have Frutti’s all to ourselves. The music is serene. The chai is tasty, and the activity on the street outside is quiet as the occasional person strolls by in the lazy, summer heat. Soon, a parade of people in white will flow from the Casa — another week complete — and Frutti’s will fill with social activity, people sharing their experiences and stories. It is everything about Abadiania that I love.
For now, though, it is me with the quiet to reflect upon our experience this trip.
Alan had another spontaneous healing (of course; >) A chronic shoulder issue since a mountain bike riding accident about a decade ago – healed. Better than ever. He has a reputation to live up to, he reminded me… a man who “does the work.”
For me, this time with John of God and the entities is profound. Something beyond healing.
Meditating in Medium Joao’s current this morning, I realized the blending with Soul I requested. A two and a half hour meditation that, for me, was timeless. It seemed only moments before it was done, and — for the duration — I abided in a soft, gentle Grace. I opened the eyes of my body, and the world literally sparkled with the light of Soul flowing like a current of love through everyone and everything.
I tell you this: Love and Light flows through all Life regardless of any physical condition. And it is this understanding that is the healing. I realize now the power of this connection. I am not a “Christian, per say” but I know what happened when Jesus “saw” people well, and the power of his “seeing” them filled with love and light and healed. I experience it today. Such love I feel for everyone and everything! Such vitality and well being I see flowing, from an infinite Source, through everyone!
I intuit we are born into this world with a connection to this current strong and active in our being. How we become disconnected through the duality of experience in this dimension… that is a question that only has value until we remember and are restored. For all the years I practiced as a psychotherapist and all the processes I explored to find my own inner balance and all the times I traveled to meditation conferences and Law of Attraction workshops and made trips to Abadiania, Brazil to be with John of God… in a moment of willingness and readiness, I am restored to the conscious connection of All I Am. And All We Are — for we are all of us gifted and the gift.
I could gush on and on this effervescent flow in which I am immersed. but I sense words do it no justice. Perhaps it is enough to just quote the Casa volunteer who says, “So what if your life is not correct? Love anyway.”
This article ends a journey, of sorts. I undertook to understand the phenomena of John of God when I came first in February, 2011 (see John of God — We Are Here!), and trip 5 culminates the intention. I comprehend. Now, I embrace the responsibility of living this understanding; of bringing this inner experience into the world of my day-to-day life as a walking, breathing prayer of appreciation to this blending connection with the love and light of the Universe.
Will we return to Abadiania to spend time with John of God and the entities? Yes. We will join the many have come come yearly for years and years. To be the prayer in fellowship. In connection through love, we are One.
Thank you. I love you.
Beautifully said and inspiring. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you. It is my pleasure 😀
Just so love reading about you and your life. You’re an angel with so much bright light that can honestly be seen by many. Love you! Blessings, Kel
Thank you, Kel 😀
Blessings right back to you!