The Answer is Always Available – Law of Attraction in Action

It’s funny, isn’t it?

law of attraction, awakening, how life works

There is always a question.

Perpetually, we seek solutions.  No matter how much we accomplish, figure out, and define as expertise…  Always, in some area of Life we seek answers.  No sooner does one solution fall into place, then two more questions pop into being.  That’s how Life works.

The questions on my mind right now is:  Why does uncertainty accompany the asking? Why, when we don’t know the answer, do we feel anxious that we won’t find the answer or driven to find what we don’t have yet?  How can standing in the question be fun and full of Grace? Continue reading “The Answer is Always Available – Law of Attraction in Action”

Choices in the Perspective of Awakening

awakening, law of attraction, choices, perspectiveIf your arms are too long, then are the legs too short?

Or do you keep hands in pocket and act nonchalant?

Or become a trapeze artist where arms are an asset?


So many of them – each a brick in the foundation of an attitude.

Once I was so confused, I flipped a coin, and it said:


The bricks crumbled, adn the wall tumbled.

On the other side of an attitude I found Being.

“Now I Am,” say the arms, “Life is too short.”

Fresh Starts – Ho’oponopono Resets Your Vibration

ho'oponopono, law of attraction, awakening, vibrationThe grass is growing again.  Flowers blossom at every turn; their fragrance a reminder that we are in the Season of fresh starts and new beginnings.

Nature provides the gift of Winter where the chill slows the patterns of growth to their dormancy, and sleep allows a stasis that suspends and clears the previous Season’s effort away.  Nature evokes the ‘death’ that fosters new life.  New beginnings and fresh starts.

In our evolution as human beings, we are given the gift of a new beginning with each birth.  Then, as we develop through the stages of Life, it becomes one of the opportunities/challenges of our evolution to learn how to integrate experience in such a way that we can stay fresh in our aliveness. Continue reading “Fresh Starts – Ho’oponopono Resets Your Vibration”

Diabetes, An Expert Teacher: Part 6; Making Peace

Diabetes, Law of Attraction, ho'oponopono, Carl Jung, IndividuationLife goes on…

It’s been many years since the events I described in the previous installments (see parts 1 – 5).  I’m 25 years older now.  Circumstances changed.  Focus shifted.  Priorities evolved.  The one constant – Type 1 Diabetes, my teacher, remained true to me.

How does one make peace with an unwanted condition or circumstance?  The million dollar question, and I know the answer…. Continue reading “Diabetes, An Expert Teacher: Part 6; Making Peace”

Evolution; Change is the Constant of an Awakening Mind

Have you noticed?

awakening, law of attraction, vortex, awakening mind, becomingSomething is always changing..  the sun across the sky, trends in fashion, what we eat for lunch, the newest type of smart-phone.  An endless array of shifting sands in the details of  day-to-day living.

Bodies change.  I watch as experience and gravity mold and remold my countenance and shape.  I call this the evolution of aging; some of the changes I welcome – like wisdom and a generally more accepting and relaxed perspective.  Some I find disorienting – Where did my capacity to jump and run and hike for miles and miles go?  Why didn’t I know then this is how it would be now?  Some changes take me by surprise. Continue reading “Evolution; Change is the Constant of an Awakening Mind”

I See You – the Clear Field of Ho’oponopono

This note is for you, my friend (and you know who you are).

All I Am, awakening, law of attraction, ho'oponoponoI see you.  Not your education nor the Life experiences that shape your perspective.  I see you.

Peel away the layers of opinion.  Wipe away the distortions of the personality that settle like grime on glass.  Take away the defensive stances and declarations for limitation.  Release the impulse to hide behind any of it.

Because I see you.

Clear and fresh, flowing like a mountain spring.  Your clarity refreshes me and nourishes my sensibilities. Continue reading “I See You – the Clear Field of Ho’oponopono”

Happy for No Reason – Law of Attraction in Action

law of attraction, happiness, It’s easy to be happy when there’s a good reason.  When people are kind and events work out well.  It’s easy to feel good when circumstances fulfill desires and the future unfolds according to plan.  As a response to good fortune or when Life gives good reason, it’s easy to be happy.

But then, there are situations that conflict and people who refuse to cooperate.  There are events that upset the rhythms of a well ordered day and words aimed with barbs attached.  Life isn’t always a sunny day filled with fragrant blossoms.  Sometimes, there is no good reason to be happy. Continue reading “Happy for No Reason – Law of Attraction in Action”

If It’s Mine, It Comes to Me – Law of Attraction in Action

I was chatting with a friend recently about something he would like to experience.  I asked him if he had taken any steps to make it happen, and he replied, “If it is mine, it will come to me.”

law of attraction, field of awarenessAs he spoke, I watched his demeanor; and I felt the relaxed position of his mind and body.  I saw the ease in him as he acknowledged both the desire and the willingness to trust in a greater orchestration.  I was touched by Grace in his simple declaration. Continue reading “If It’s Mine, It Comes to Me – Law of Attraction in Action”

Diabetes – An Expert Teacher – Part 4; not a cautionary tale

Let me explain.

Diabetes, Law of Attraction, ho'oponopono, Carl Jung, IndividuationAnyone reading the first three segments of “Diabetes – An Expert Teacher” might start to think this is a story of what can go wrong if Diabetes isn’t managed well.  Understandably.  However, this story is about so much more.

Carl Jung defines the primary drive of living as a process called Individuation.  He describes the human experience as one of continual expansion and inclusion of the aspects in our nature that are both sub-conscious and super-conscious, merging and evolving into more and more wholeness of Being.  Individuation.  He says, further, that the experiences that challenge us most offer us the greatest opportunity to embrace and integrate the shadow-aspect of Self; the parts of us most unconscious and/or denied. Continue reading “Diabetes – An Expert Teacher – Part 4; not a cautionary tale”

Living On The Brink of Perpetual Awakening

law of attraction, ho'oponopono, diabetes, spiritual awakeningIn December 1983, I was in a high speed/head on automobile collision that changed my Life to such an extent that I didn’t know what or how or who I would be after I recovered; people who knew me before the accident thought I must be a Walk-In (a popular concept back then). As I healed from the head injury and came to terms with type 1 Diabetes that emerged as a result of the accident… as I floated in the space between what was and what was becoming, I wrote this poem:

When the bottom dropped out,
I was scared.
Silly me.
For did these feet grow wings. Continue reading “Living On The Brink of Perpetual Awakening”