John of God Vlog – 2nd Day Settling In

The energies are having their way with us already.  I awakened in the middle of the night with a pulsing pressure in my right ankle and shin (a location where I am prone to experience nerve pain).  I wriggled and wiggled, but the pressure continued to grow…  until I lifted my whole leg and moved from my hip for a few minutes…  then I slept like a baby.  These types of things just seem to happen in Abadiania 😛  For Alan, the experiences are more emotionally insightful as bebops along, moving from one Chai latte to the next at Frutti’s.

Tomorrow, we begin the three day cycle with John of God at The Casa.  This is our first visit since our psychic surgeries; we go into the Revision line for the Entitites to determine if anything further need be done related to that intervention.  Alan is pretty sure they will send him to psychic surgery right away; he’s convinced that is his lot with John of God:P

Tonight, I will open my heart to receive anything and everything the Entities wish to bestow:)

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5 Replies to “John of God Vlog – 2nd Day Settling In”

  1. So tomorrow will be closure of some sort for the previous surgeries. Then do you start a “new” round of questions and, perhaps, surgeries?

    1. Yes, after I followed the Revision instructions (I got some – Alan was simply passed through with blessings) I went into the afternoon session with three more questions and got scheduled for another psychic surgery.

  2. Loved that you posted this vid! Sent goosebumps all through me, especially knowing that my prayer was amongst those you were placing! Love the crystals! Happy Birthday Alan ~ you have such a special partner! You are surrounded by light Ahnalira!!!! love, me

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