It feels like coming home. The land is verdant green along the highway; it is late spring in Brazil. As we drive, I recognize the markers along the highway as we draw near. But, even more, I feel the energies shift a half hour away. It feels like coming home.
I started feeling a “little funny” a half hour out, and – by the time we neared Abadiania proper – I realized I’d better test my blood sugar. It was 49. For those of you who have followed my adventures with John of God, you know that low blood sugar is one of the phenomena I experience in the proces, and I have reduced the amount of insulin I take by as much as half while here during both previous trips. This time it started sooner than either time before so we’ll have to watch how it proceeds and how insulin requirements are affected as a result – fun experiment; >)
I made the first prayer request today for someone and received an email just hours later that the prayer was answered – she didn’t even know I’d made the request yet. It made my heart soar to read her good news!
In the midst of all this, I managed to fit my first glorious crystal bath into the day (along with a happy nappy; >) and took the person I am guiding through the process on a tour of the Casa and introduced her to the entity, St Dom Ignacious (See Arrival in Abadiania June 2011 for a demonstration of how this greeting is made)
There was a glorious thunderstorm this evening, leaving the dusky streets fresh and sweet smelling. Life is fresh in Abadiania.
And thanks for that guided tour, my dear guide! I am loving this place, even before Medium Joao (that’s what John of God prefers to call himself) gets to the Casa tomorrow. What I noticed about the same time as your blood sugar went down, was a wave of sleepiness. I am feeling wonderfully relaxed and now rested after sleeping 8 hrs last night – a long night for me, 6 hrs sleep is more normal!
Thanks for sharing your experience, Marion! I know that everyone following these articles would enjoy reading about your experience, too, so please chime in as often as you’d like and to whatever extent feels good to you 🙂