It’s been a few months since I put fingers to keyboard in the hope of communicating something fresh–something to inspire and activate your sense of wonder and wellbeing. I just reread my last article (Emerging Awakened) and–it’s true–I come new and “naked” and open. So, tell me what you want.
I am listening. These days, that’s most of what I “do.” I listen. To thoughts, to words, to the sound of silence, to the brilliance of others… And–in the listening–somewhere in the vastness that is MIND, dots connect into lines that become answers and understanding. From both directions. And the shapes–or blocks of thought and feeling–that emerge are woven into the weft of All I Am.
I would love to listen to you and discover where it leads. Tell me what you want. These days, that’s how my life works.
Where shall we go from here, my friends and readers? What, that comes from the connected-mind I Am, interests you? What would you like to read? I know a lot about healing autoimmune and adrenal and thyroid conditions naturally now as well as general information on nutrition and eating gluten-free, sugar free, etc. I could go that direction with a great deal of passion if there is interest.
I’m happy to share my continued spiritual evolution and connection to the multi-dimensional realms if it resonates for you. More John of God. More awakening into our Avatar-selves. Who wants more of that? Go ahead–tell me what you want.
I am preparing another collection of short 15 minute meditations as well, transmissions of the new frequencies I Am…anyone have a meditation topic specific to an area of life you’d like me to include? I am all ears.
Any topic. I will listen to your request with my open heart and then listen with an open heart to connected-mind and bring it back to share.
We are, all of us, of the same body–uniquely expressing the stardust we are as we breathe together in the wonder and mystery that is Life. Connected through love and our willingness to do good by each other. How may I do good by you?
Be a lamp, or a lifeboat, or a ladder. Help someone’s soul heal. Walk out of your house like a shepherd.
~ Rumi
You may “comment” your answer if you’d like to extend the opportunity for interaction or you can email me privately at ahnalira@ahnalira-connectedcounsel.com
Thank you. I love you.
Everything gluten-free would be good stuff — cooking, biochemistry, health and healing, and whatnot!
Thanks for the request… it shall be done 😉
I would love to hear more about your spiritual evolution/John of God and its impact on your health journey. I also have insulin-dependent (T1) diabetes and very much into expanding my spiritual experience so find your posts to be enlightening and inspiring. I hope to one day go to see John of God, too! Thank you so much!!!
Consider it done, Kathy 😀 And thank you for your input.
Blessings on your day,