Incoming AhnyaLi-a glimpse into multidimensional Awakening

Who is AhnyaLi?  What is AhnyaLi?  Perhaps, the reading of this will give us a glimpse…

 I’m realizing AhnyaLi’s emergence has been in process since a transcendent experience at Casa Dom Inacio in the summer, 2017. (Some of y’all may remember, and—if you want your memory refreshed, post it in the comments ; >)  It’s been a journey and continues to be with this particular piece–incoming AhnyaLi–beginning at the end of April, 2021, in a kundalini breath and meditation workshop.  Following the guidance of the teacher, I breathed a balloon of felt pressure into each cervical vertebra while rolling the neck from chin resting on chest to upright…and then tipping the nose upward with an isometric contraction against all of the “air pressure” breathed into the vertebrae.  In the full contraction pose (nose tilted up as high as possible,) I experienced an intense pain at the occiput and a blinding light that lasted less than a minute.  Followed by dizziness and some nausea.  Feeling the neck afterward, the tissue was swollen and inflamed.  But, even more importantly—and, imho, a small miracle–the natural curve of the cervical vertebrae reasserted itself… a curve missing since the TBI during a head-on car collision in in 1983.  I celebrated the return of an opening flow in the channel… not fully realizing the extent of what that meant…

Continue reading “Incoming AhnyaLi-a glimpse into multidimensional Awakening”

Deeper into Dispenza System–Energy Centers

Dr. Joe Dispenza teaches a meditation/system of learning, healing, and evolving that begins with the physics fact: all form comes from energy as its source. This energy is a combination of electrical and magnetic frequencies that combine in a balance, creating form–bodies, things, circumstance. Dr. Joe states, “The electrical pulse sends the thought, and the magnetic frequency carries the emotion that magnetizes an experience.” Heady stuff, right? This statement defines the law of attraction very simply as: We are create what we are–what we think and feel…. not what we desire.

A powerful adjustment to the current new age teachings, right? If I am sick and want wellness, I won’t attract wellness while I feel sick… I’ve got to find feelings that are resonant with wellness to attract it. This concept holds true for all of the wishes we have for something different than what we experience to occur. The natural question that arises from this understanding is: How do I shift my thoughts and feelings so that I am attracting what I want? Good question. Let’s talk about that as it relates to energy centers first.

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Blew My Wig Back–Joe Dispenza retreat experience

unified field

This accounting is my personal truth. For me, the exploration into neuroscience, biochemistry, and quantum physics applied through meditation exercises led me into multidimensional territory and interdimensional encounters. Healing miracles. Some reading it, will find resonance in my experiences and revelations to enhances their own breadcrumb trails into these frontiers. Others will want more quantifiable evidence than a subjective accounting like mine before making the leap into belief. Either way, I hope all y’all enjoy the storytelling.

For the sake of brevity, I won’t go into long explanations of my ‘health journey.’ Some of you already follow along with my writings on the topic, and–for those of you who don’t and have questions–please feel free to post in the comments. I will do my best to clarify. The first part of this telling will be more like cliff notes than an in depth summary (Again, feel free to ask for clarification in the comments if you more to connect the dots.) In the second half–the part that includes my coherence healing–I will offer a deeper dive and an occasional ‘sidebar’ note to add context. If you want to stay just within the telling of the experience, you can skip the sidebars ; >)

OK, here we go….

Continue reading “Blew My Wig Back–Joe Dispenza retreat experience”

Ahnalira’s Detox Protocol

terpenes, medical cannabis, John of God, meditation, psychic surgery, spine injury, diabetes, ho'oponoponoHow do you know that a detox protocol is a good idea for you? When you have a health goal that seems stalled regardless of your effort, chances are the biochemistry of your body is compromised by environmental toxins, heavy metals, and/or pathogens.  If you have a chronic health condition that compromises your vitality, it’s likely your body needs help detoxifying the debris from daily metabolism.  If, like me with autoimmune hepatitis and autoimmune encephalitis, you find yourself in the midst of a health crisis…detoxification may be your lifejacket back to shore.

For me, the process of discovery led me through at least 50 hours of medical lectures and conferences to develop an understanding of how I could detoxify my severely compromised body safely.  This is what I learned…and am learning ; >) Continue reading “Ahnalira’s Detox Protocol”

Loving Our Bodies Means Feeling Safe

awakening, teaching, teacher, teach by exampleLet’s talk science for a moment.  Proven fact: every emotion solicits hormones and neurotransmitters to evoke a host of chemical actions.  The blood fills with these “chemical feelings” and every cell in the body “reads” the chemical message to determine their course of action.

Of course, the cells cannot extrapolate one kind of fear from another.  The chemicals don’t tell them whether a predatory animal is attacking or whether there isn’t enough money in the bank to cover the mortgage payment.  The message is the same.  On the level of biochemical interaction, so is the response in the body.

And it’s a good response.  It’s kept our species alive through the ages.  It’s an appropriate response to a life-threatening situation.  However, when anxiety/fear becomes an emotional norm–when angst of one form or another is the steady stream of chemicals flowing through our blood to direct cellular activity–then our bodies never get the opportunity to restore and regenerate.  Never feel safe to take care of their needs.  Inevitably, dis-ease results. Continue reading “Loving Our Bodies Means Feeling Safe”

Tell Me What You Want–How Life Works

spiritual healing, meditation
Tell me what you want.

It’s been a few months since I put fingers to keyboard in the hope of communicating something fresh–something to inspire and activate your sense of wonder and wellbeing.  I just reread my last article (Emerging Awakened) and–it’s true–I come new and “naked” and open.  So, tell me what you want.

I am listening.  These days, that’s most of what I “do.”  I listen.  To thoughts, to words, to the sound of silence, to the brilliance of others…  And–in the listening–somewhere in the vastness that is MIND, dots connect into lines that become answers and understanding.  From both directions.  And the shapes–or blocks of thought and feeling–that emerge are woven into the weft of All I Am.

I would love to listen to you and discover where it leads.  Tell me what you want.  These days, that’s how my life works. Continue reading “Tell Me What You Want–How Life Works”

Abadiania! First Day of Trip Seven–John of God

John of God, Casa Dom Ignacio, spiritual healing, diabetes
Meditation garden at the Casa

Life got us to Abadiania safe and sound.  Tired and perhaps a little ragged around the edges after twenty-four hours of travel…safe and sound, though, nonetheless.

My blood sugars started dropping on the flight from Miami to Brasilia, and–by the time–we touched ground and climbed into the taxi for the hour and half drive to Abadiania–I was eating Lara bars non stop and could not get my blood sugar over 57.  This isn’t a new experience in Abadiania.  I’m just a little more prepared this time and started dropping insulin dosages right away.

Besides the dry, clear blue day, what made the biggest impression upon us as we drove through the Brazilian landscape is the amount of growth and building that is happening. Continue reading “Abadiania! First Day of Trip Seven–John of God”

Preparing For Pilgramage 7 To Visit John Of God

awakening, transformation, individuationIt’s been nine months since our last trip to Abadiania, Brazil.  A full gestation period.  As those who have been following my journey with John of God know–six visits I in the course of three years–our last trip was accentuated by a direct communion with one of the entities who works through Medium Joao, Dr. Augusto. (see: John of God Reflections)  His final instruction to me before leaving Abadiania was to get myself a full physical workup with lab work upon returning home.

And I did, discovering I was on the verge of a Myxedema Coma–a life threatening condition caused by severe hypothyroidism aka my thyroid had died two years previously during an emergency surgery. (see: Still Alive and Kicking)  Instead of “curing” me,  Dr. Augusto set me on a path of healing far more holographic than a simple physical cure…though, at the time, I didn’t understand that. Continue reading “Preparing For Pilgramage 7 To Visit John Of God”

Devotion, My Favorite Emotion in Awakening

devotion, awakening, meditation, prayerI used to say it was love.  I used to say love was the end all of all emotions…which is not to say that I knew what love was.  Indeed, even today I hear the word love and I struggle to grasp the full intention of its meaning.  God is Love–I hear that often…and wonder: if I knew God, then would I know love?  Or, if I embodied love, would I fully grasp what God is?  We are always choosing between love and fear–that’s another trendy thought bandied about in spiritual circles these days.  If it is really that simple, why do so many of us find the choice as challenging as climbing Mt Everest?

I tried and tried to make love my “word,” my favorite emotion…but couldn’t find my way between love as a noun, a verb, or an adverb.  I asked for something I could embrace with the wholehearted action of a verb, and I got it: Continue reading “Devotion, My Favorite Emotion in Awakening”

Final Day of Trip Six–John of God Reflections

John of God, Casa Dom Inacio, spiritual healingSitting in Frutti’s in our familiar corner amongst now-familiar faces sipping a spicy chai latte, this is our final evening in Abadiania.  The time for reflection has come.  A Casa volunteer told us this morning that this past two weeks has been the busiest time EVER at Casa de Dom Inacio–thousands of people engaging the entity incorporated in Medium Joao daily.  I imagine that the people who came a decade ago, or have been coming for many years, could speak eloquently about the changes within the Casa system in their time.  I am only three years into this exploration; for me it is apparent that the Casa is more organized and streamlined in how the crowds are managed, and I see that the sessions last hours longer even so.

One of the first changes I noted was the intent of the Casa volunteers to keep the main meeting/waiting room quiet.  “Shhhhhhhh,” they would remind the crowds when chatter created a rising hum, “Silence is prayer.  Please.”  I liked that.  I found the silence to be a buoyant support into connection with the energies.  It was in this peaceful quiet that one of the entities made direct contact with me on the first morning. (see: A Blessing Shared)  A connection that transformed the experience for me. Continue reading “Final Day of Trip Six–John of God Reflections”