It’s that time… the last day of our spiritual adventure with John of God and Casa de Dom Inacio. Here we sit, in Frutti’s, sipping our cool drinks on a “96 degrees in the shade” day and letting the culmination of the journey integrate.
Yesterday morning, I went to the Casa de Dom Inacio prepared to stand in the line that would allow me the opportunity to thank John of God and the entity as well as hear from the entity what my next steps would be. I thought I knew all of the possibilities that could happen…but I was surprised. Medium Joao, incorporating Dr. Augusto, came into the front meeting room (where we wait for our line to be called) to do several physical interventions. After he finished, he talked to several people (in Portuguese so I don’t have a clue what was said…just that one of the people he engaged was in tears by the time they were done) Then he looked at me and spoke to the volunteer next to me. The volunteer came directly to me and guided me into the group waiting for a spiritual intervention.
Third intervention for me in two weeks. It seemed very short to my personality–less than a minute, though Alan tells me it lasted at least fifteen minutes. It was gentle and very little happened that I could identify other than a sense of floating in light. Once I was home at the pousada and resting in a trance state, Dr. Augusto told me that this intervention was the “completion” of all of the interventions I’ve had. I experienced a series of vision/dreams that reiterated the beginning of a new paradigm, like pivoting into a new world. And I was given this understanding:
You were born into this 3-D world already with multi-dimensional awareness and connections. The bumpy ride of attempting to make yourself “smaller” in order to belong impacted your health–mentally, emotionally, and physically. Now is the time to emerge fully as all the dimensions you are–consciously and aware.
Today, we also did a final Banho de Cristal (Crystal Bath) Again, Dr. Augusto spoke to me. He said, “Give yourself the full 40 days to absorb the new paradigm you are now. Carefully, weave it with your choices in each moment.” Then I was given a vision of a dragon with Little Bee sitting in the crook between her paws, her head gently bowed and touching Little Bee’s head. And I stood beside the dragon, rubbing her ear–all of us radiating relaxed harmony.
Just as the crystal bath session ended, Dr. Augusto added, “Take care of Little Bee and honor Dragon.”

Alan’s story is his own, of course…suffice it to say he had some remarkable experiences as well as a couple of spontaneous healings. This morning, he had a dream that he was psychically connected to two whales. He was in the ocean with them and cleaning their fins (that were as big as countertops, he said)…much to their enjoyment. A dream worthy of a vast mind and heart like Alan’s, right?
We are preparing to return next summer–nine months from now. A full gestation period. Until then…
Thank you. I love you.
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