Some might say time management, a distinctly left-brained activity, bears no resemblance to the creative process – well known for its decidedly right-brained absence of logic. Some might say, in fact, that all one requires to effectively manage time are three simple rules:
- Break large projects into smaller increments. Make those increments small enough that each one can be completed in a block of time perceived as “manageable.”
- Build a daily schedule that accounts for the completion of the smaller increments. Identify through an understanding of personal rhythm which parts of the day are best for mental focus and which for physical activity. Fill blocks of time accordingly.
- Once the schedule is made – stay on it. Procrastination is the destroyer of time management.
Simple logic that – when applied – results in productivity, right? Only one flawed premise in the plan… no one I know lives by logic alone. Feelings always come into play. And, in the world where emotions influence behavior, the intuitive flow of the creative process becomes relevant. Essential, in fact.
This is not to say that logic is irrelevant in the flow of time management. Rather, it’s an acknowledgment that – no matter how we think (and plan) – the ways we feel matter; and feelings can enhance logic with the intuitive inspiration of creativity when they are acknowledged and honored.

My husband calls me the Queen of Time Management. Of course, I’ll happily accept all royal titles, but – out of curiosity – I asked him once what did he mean. He explained to me that – somehow – I accomplish more than most in less time, and – on occasion – I complete tasks that others find overwhelming to consider.
I pondered. I wondered to myself what is it in me – a renowned non-logical type known for my emotional sensitivities – that understands the logic of time management so well? The answer came to me in a flash – as most answers do for me: I am inclined toward letting feelings guide my logic.
What this means is that I establish the intention I desire to accomplish (see: Law of Attraction Clarified – Introducing Law of Intention ) and use logic to structure the timeline of my day, and then, as each choice moment-to-moment emerges, I feel for the intuitive impulse to determine my course. The intuitive impulse has no logic in it; it is a feeling, sweet and simple. “This feels right.” “This feels confusing.” “This feels off.” “This feels exciting.” The intuitive impulse is an internal guidance mechanism for me to assess the course of action as it relates to the intention I set.
By allowing my plan of action to be permeable to my internal feeling, I open new opportunities to refine and streamline my use of time. Sometimes, it feels like I am “bending time” as I follow the intuitive impulse. Sometimes it is as if magic prevailed to make harmonious coordinates come together in ways that defy logic. Always, though, it is the willingness to merge intuitive feelings with logic that allows non-linear time lines and creative solutions to emerge.
The creative process is one way to describe following the intuitive impulse (see: Creative Process – Recipes for Life). Creativity evolves from the initial feeling that sparks a new idea of how make something or get something done or refine an existing something. The more we trust the intuitive feeling, the easier it is to let that impulse guide our choices.
Trusting the intuitive impulse that triggers a creative process requires two things: willingness and awareness. Willingness to listen for and feel the soft, quiet impulse within. Awareness to realize when the creative impulse is masked by reactive, habitual thought. (see: Fresh Starts – Ho’oponopono Resets Your Vibration)
There is a logic to time management. It is the logic of intention: When all choices reflect a congruence with the original intention, then the magic of time reflects a pattern that is holographic rather than linear. And the key to understanding and applying the holographic timeline is through the intuitive impulse. Where creativity and time management merge into a process of unlimited possibility.
Thank you. I love you.
Finally you unravel the time management secret — set your intention and then follow your intuition. This is the best article yet!
Yet again, Alan, you clarify and crystallize the power point of the article 🙂
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