These days, the prophecies scroll through my inbox and Facebook wall: dates for “downloads” of a new frequency, days to gather for special focus to bring the “new order” closer, leaders of the movement offering “new” information on what’s to come…Does anyone besides me ever think, “Let’s just ready, get set, go!” Or am I the only one who feels impatient?
Impatience has been my traveling companion through Life for as long as I can remember. Sometimes an obstacle in my process and sometimes the trainer that pushes me to get it done, impatience is always my teacher. Teaching me the way around or over the obstacle. Teaching me how to create new solutions that work more effectively. Teaching me when my best solution is to let go and let be.
I first read the Hopi Prophecies in the early 1980’s…and then the Mayan prophecies in the early 1990’s. 2013 seems like “forever away” back in those days. There wasn’t much information about it, relatively speaking, but I read what I could find and checked off the years… and waited to see what would happen. Now, as the end of 2012 grows closer and closer, there is a vast assortment of perspectives available on the topic, and prophecies become more and more concrete in description and doctrine. I have still been waiting to see what happens – albeit, impatiently.
And then one day, I woke myself up, thinking, “Why am I waiting for someone else to tell me when and why and what and how and where? If I am the star of my own movie (see: Stars In Our Own Movie ), can I not decide to to also write the screenplay?” Yet again, impatience inspired me to a new paradigm of thought, and I realized my prophecy starts NOW.
I am awake. I am leaping. Out beyond the leading edge that discusses what’s coming and into whatever it is we are becoming now. If a trail is necessary, I will forge it; the map is already etched within my Soul. Letting go of the familar with appreciation for all the support it’s given me, I stretch and bend and reconfigure… and trust.
Will you join me – out here with my friend, Impatience, as we awaken into the screenplay of a new movie?
Thank you. I love you.
truly loved the article added to my favourites