John of God Trip 5 – Eager Anticipation for a Casa Day

John of God, Abadiania, Casa Dom InacioTomorrow begins the three day series at Casa Dom Inacio with John of God, and I am eager for the contemplative energies.  I didn’t realize how much I treasure the quiet ambiance until this trip when our pousada turned out to be the social gathering spot in lieu of Frutti’s.  Don’t get me wrong – I enjoyed going to Frutti’s every day for chai latte and a bit of chatter in the world around me…  I just really liked returning to a gentle, peaceful atmosphere at my pousada.  Truth be told, I like that energy in my home, too.  It appeals to my nature to exchange heartfelt, silent smiles with the people around me.  So, my secret is out:  I am an introvert 😛  And tomorrow, I eagerly anticipate sitting with a group in contemplative silence.  It’s my “thing”.

I also plan to go in line before John of God again with a few requests.  This time:

  • Please help me choose love in thought, word, and deed.
  • Please help me be free of pain.
  • Please help me have strong teeth and healthy gums.

We shall see what John of God prescribes.  That’s right — I’m willing to dive right back into the spiritual surgery experience ; >)

Already, I am experiencing ample opportunity to calibrate my personality with Soul.  Not just with the active social energies around me, but also in the various dealings of our life that come to us via email while we are here.  Selling a property and purchasing a property to be specific.  So many variables and negotiations that could make or break the deal along the way — I am learning equinimity.  Truly a Soul perspective.  And, while it is a stretch for me to find it sometimes, it is a worthy exercise, I believe, and one that only deepens my capacity to blend in harmony with the Will to Good energies.

I am walking every day, twice a day.  In the morning to the Casa to make prayers and in the afternoon through the town… anticipating eagerly Frutti’s welcoming me with open doors one of these times.  We haven’t used the wheelchair since Saturday 😀

Casa Dom Inacio, John of God, spiritual awakeningThis I know with certainty:  the shift is within.  Regardless the circumstance or presenting symptom, the answer is through the gates into the inner world where Self and personality mingle.  I feel I will never tire of this journey, letting the currents of experience and events carry me deeper and higher and wider into the realm beyond time and space where answers reflect the wisdom of the Will to Good.  I appreciate every opportunity — however  comfortable or uncomfortable to reach into expanded consciousness for more understanding, more awareness.  In this process with John of God, I am the blessed and blessing.  Such is the paradox, and I love all of it!

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2 Replies to “John of God Trip 5 – Eager Anticipation for a Casa Day”

  1. Hi Ahnalira,

    Your three requests to John of God are exactly the ones I would make for myself at this time if I were with you.

    Best wishes on your continuing journey.



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