Which Cannabinoids Provide the Right Type of Relief?

medical cannabis, cannabinoidsNow that the endocannabinoid system is a proven science (click here to read more on this,) and you’ve assessed your own body’s health to determine that you can benefit from supporting your body with phyto-cannabinoids, the next topic to cover is which cannabinoids offer relief for which conditions… and in what ratios.

Yep, it’s a hefty topic.  Let’s break it down into understandable chunks that we can further investigate at deeper levels in following articles.  So, the first level to explore are general truths about which health conditions are proven to be supported by phyto-cannabinoids.  Let’s get started.

Physical Pain

Physical pain includes all kinds of physical discomfort from nerve pain caused by a spinal cord injury to pain caused by inflammation like arthritis, to the pain associated with auto-immune conditions like Krohn’s and Lupus to headaches, fibromyalgia as well as other pain associated as a symptom to other conditions like Lyme disease, etc.  In other words, anything that hurts chronically is proven to get relief by phyto-cannabinoids.

Most types of pain are handled more effectively if there is THC in the mix of cannabinoids to disrupt the pain signal in the basal ganglia of the nervous system.  That said, CBD and THC at a ratio of 1 (THC) : 3 (CBD) are even more effective together at “stilling” nerve pain.  For pain caused by inflammation, the amount of THC can go down even further, while adding into the mix cannabinoid acids (THC-A and CBD-A.)  Cannabinoid acids are proven in studies to be even more effective as anti-inflammatories than steroid creams.  For joint inflammation, sometimes the best results come from rubbing a cannabinoid-infused cream into the skin over the joint.

Emotional Distress

Depression.  Anxiety. ADHD. Impulse control/addiction. Autism. All of these emotional states have a biochemical component that tracks back to neurotransmitter activity in the brain.  CBD has the unique ability to both down-regulate and up-regulate transmitters to a state of homeostasis, eliminating the symptoms of neurotransmitter imbalance.  Combined with a small amount of CBDV and THC, the results are even better.  The ratio of CBD to THC for these condtions should be a minimum of 6 (CBD) : 1 (THC.)  PTSD, however, is the exception.  THC in higher ratios to CBD–1 (THC) : 3 or 4 (CBD) helps to break the memory pattern of trauma, enabling people with PTSD to successfully come into the present with their thoughts.

Autoimmune Conditions

CBD, cannabinoid-acids, and beta-caryophyllene (a terpene,) are the heroes for both healing leaky gut and down-regulating the immune system’s attack on the body’s tissues.  CBD down-regulates the immune system.  Cannabinoid acids reduce the inflammation that associates with all auto-immune conditions, and beta-caryophyllene heals the gut wall and keeps juncture points tight, stopping leakage from the gut into the blood stream.  Add a modicum of THC–like the ratios for emotional distress–and a synergy is created that makes everything work more effectively.


Cancer is a larger topic than this overview can adequately cover.  Certainly, it’s well known to support the more traditional chemotherapy by reducing nausea and stimulating appetite.  There is also significant evidence and research to indicate that it helps reduce tumor size and effect a successful treatment of some types of cancer.  But not all are fully researched yet, and–even for those that have proven efficacy with medical cannabis–the dosage and ratios vary.  Suffice it to say:  if you or one of your loved ones is attempting to find a solution for one type of cancer or another, find a medical cannabis professional to help you sort through the research.

medical cannabis, cannabinoidsThere are a broad range of conditions for which research evidences medical cannabis as a solution.  There are even more that anecdotal evidence suggests medical cannabis may be used effectively.  What can be said with certainty is that poor endocannabinoid tone (for more on endocannabinoid tone, click here) is a precursor to dis-ease and poor health.  The research is just beginning.  THCV, for example, shows promise as a modulator for the pancreas, an appetite suppressant, and a facilitator of good insulin sensitivity.  This could be a huge breakthrough for people with type 2 diabetes, right?  CBG, the precursor to all of the cannabinoids, turns out to stimulate bone growth.  Who wouldn’t want their broken bones to knit faster with CBG?  Research also proves that cannabinoids are neuro-protectants, reducing the ramifications of strokes and people suffering head injuries.  Exact ratios for these?  Unknown by research standards at this moment, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t figuring it out for themselves before the research is published, does it?

If you are dealing with a condition that I didn’t cover, please write in the comments.  I’ll add what I know and look up what I don’t.  Together, we’ll heal ourselves, each other, and celebrate the plant that helps us do it.

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9 Replies to “Which Cannabinoids Provide the Right Type of Relief?”

    1. Alan, you come up with questions that make me think 😛

      The cannabinoid system appears to regulate how much old bone material is broken down, how much fat is stored inside the bone, and how many new bone cells are allowed to be born… essentially, balancing and maintaining homeostasis in bone tissue just like every other tissue in the body 😀 CBD and THC have already shown in studies with mice that fractured bones heal faster with their addition. CBG is the new cannabinoid on the block and appears to have an even stronger capacity to modulate bone health.

    1. Hi Marion,
      The topic of cannabinoid acids and activated cannabinoids is a deep one so I’ll start off by promising an article on it to give it justice. For now, the short answer is that the plant makes cannabinoid acids. Heat and/or time remove the acid from the molecule, leaving the activated cannabinoid–activated because it no longer has an acid on it.
      Muscle cramps fall into the pain category, and it’s all about the ratios between CBD, THC, and cannabinoid acids. If you are asking what causes muscle cramps, the list is long and varied depending upon the person: neurodegenerative spasticity, electrolyte imbalance, hormonal imbalances, subluxated vertebrae, injury to nervous tissue, mineral imbalance… the list goes on ; >)

      1. It makes sense that muscle cramps are in the pain category – they can certainly be painful.
        Thanks for the response, and thanks for the new article on cannabinoid acids!

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