A dream is a wish your heart makes.
Everyone I know has dreams and wishes their dreams would be fulfilled. No exceptions in my experience. Even followers of Buddha and other spiritual teachings that propose detachment is the definition of enlightenment have dreams – they wish for detachment from desire. Desire is the driving force of Life. The very breath all life takes is fueled by the desire to live.
I have a dream!
Martin Luther King
That’s as “meta” as it gets — almost. Let’s take it one step further: What if all of us have a core dream — a desire so deeply embedded in the essence of who we are that it accompanies us from the nonphysical realm through birth and into physical reality? What if the purpose of this life-long desire has a purpose — the purpose of awakening us from the dream that the physical world is all there is? Continue reading “The Art of Fulfillment – A Principle of Awakening”