A Spider’s Story – How Life Works

art, weaving worlds, spider, teacher withinBy my art desk, there is a window.  Six months ago, I noticed a large spider
weaving her web on the other side of the pane.  Day by day, she built a
net across the window as I wove colors into fabric a few feet away.  I developed a fondness for her; a sense of kinship as we created in silent harmony together.  A pane of glass maintained our clear boundary as we wove side by side – each in our own world.  After a rain, I exalted with her on a good ‘catch’ day and cheered for her as she succeeded in stashing a large ‘spider’ wealth of small flying creatures in her web.

Several months passed of our weaving camaraderie when she surprised me with a baby – one itsy bitsy identical reproduction of herself. Continue reading “A Spider’s Story – How Life Works”