Sharing Shame Away – Awakening

awakeningIt’s a residual grime – Shame.  Sticky and heavy like a combination of quicksand and tar, laying like a film over our memories and experiences.  I have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t know what I’m talking about, though I have come across many who pretend they bear no burden of shame.

And I know they do.  We all do.  Every one of us — at some point — knows the experience of feeling bad about something we’ve done or some aspect of how we look or who we are.  It may be a slight embarrassment about a pimple or a regret for having spoken harshly in a moment of distress.  It could be a habit or an inability to follow through on intentions or goals.  No matter how small or insignificant in the moment, it is shame… and it accumulates in the psyche. Continue reading “Sharing Shame Away – Awakening”