My new theme for all the writing here is: Come live in the rainbow with me, friends, and become the full spectrum light you are. And, as usual, it’s through my personal journey of becoming that I gather these words to share.
To catch everyone up:
I traveled to Casa de Dom Inacio seven times over the course of four years. When I made my prayer requests for the healing of physical conditions (type 1 diabetes, spinal injuries, and hepatitis C) before every spiritual intervention, I didn’t fully understand that what I would receive from the entities there would be emotional and spiritual healings (see: Reflections from John of God) rather than the immediate release from physical imbalances. OK…so that’s not exactly true–hepatitis C went into remission after the second visit, and my insulin requirements went down by half over the course of all the visits. It was, however, during the next to last visit to the Casa, when the entity, Dr. Augusto, told me to get lab work done (see: Final Day of Trip 6) that I began my journey of healing the physical body. Continue reading “Loving Our Bodies–The Lessons of Healing”