Align Within Guided Meditations by Ahnalira are now available on CD for $12.99:
Purchase Align Within CD $12.99
These Guided Meditations of Awakening by Ahnalira are also available as Android and iPhone Apps.
*If you would like to purchase digital MP3 versions for $2.99 per meditation; please contact us by emailing ahnalira@laughingmedicinewoman.net.
This complete set of 2 meditations provides the techniques to align and integrate our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies into a harmony that promotes vitality and well-being as well as opening pathways for inspired Guidance and healing. Each meditation enhances the use of the other. The first guided meditation, Refresh and Renew, teaches the technique; and the second guided meditation, Flow and Align, applies it. Both of them can be used while awake as a meditation practice or while falling asleep to enhance lucid dreaming and self-hypnotic suggestion. The set includes:
Refresh and Renew
Ancient Hawaiian Kahunas used a technique called Ho’oponopono to keep themselves open to a clear flow of love between themselves and others. In this guided meditation, easy to follow relaxation techniques open awareness to the subtle energy body. The guided meditation teaches the powerful techniques of ho’oponopono to refresh and renew the emotional and mental fields into vibrations of acceptance, freedom, and love. Whether you are learning to meditate or are experienced in the art of meditation, Refresh and Renew is a valuable guided meditation that enhances well-being and expanded ability to love.
Flow and Align
Building upon the concepts of the first guided meditation, Refresh and Renew, this meditation continues the exploration into the subtle energy fields. Enhancing awareness of the subtle energy body and the ability to maintain a clear and open emotional/mental body, Flow and Align opens the way for the more refined energies of light and love to influence the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. This guided meditation develops and evolves our ability to access Guidance and restore alignment and well-being among the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. Flow and Align is an excellent tool for both healing unresolved patterns and expanding conscious awareness.
Ahnalira’s training as a Meditation Teacher with Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer ensures a high quality guided meditation; her instructions are easy to follow, and the quality of her voice enhances relaxation.
Read the review by David Stone!
I’ve done both meditations now, and will continue to use them as part of my daily practice. Ahnalira’s voice is conducive to relaxation and going deeper, and her pace is perfect for me. The guidance she provides to interweave breath and blood, to go into the subtle energy body, and then from that state to work with the connections we have with others – I have not found anything like this in other guided meditations. I believe Ahnalira is presenting a process that will help me to dissolved abrasive interactions and connections into love, just love.
If I were rating this CD it would get a 5 for sure.