CBD from Hemp or Cannabis–What’s the Difference?

CBD, medical cannabis, hempChemically, CBD is CBD is CBD.  Even if you call it by it’s scientific name, cannabidiol, it’s still the same chemically whether it comes from a hemp or cannabis.  But that’s where the “sameness” ends.  In other words, the plant source makes the difference that matters.

Let’s start with hemp.  Hemp is amazing.  It’s nutritious, can be used as a fiber for clothing or paper, is strong enough to build structures, and has the awesome ability to clean up toxic land by absorbing the toxicity up through the root system.  Indeed, it’s this awesome toxicity absorption ability that makes hemp CBD a potential risk.  Unless the hemp is carefully sourced, the potential for toxic chemicals and/or metals to be found along with CBD in the tincture or topical or edible is relatively high.  And that’s a concern for people using CBD for medical reasons who want clean medicine.  The first concern is aggravated by the reality that CBD grows in hemp in lower concentrations, requiring more hemp for the same amount of CBD produced in cannabis… increasing the risk of heavy metals or toxic chemicals finding their way into the medicine as well. Continue reading “CBD from Hemp or Cannabis–What’s the Difference?”