John of God – Abadiania Adventure June 2012, day 6

John of God, spiritual awakeningWednesday through Friday are the days at Casa Dom Inacio when John of God, or Medium Joao as he prefers to be called, is in residence to provide a vehicle for the entities to engage the many who come for healing and or spiritual awakening.  But that doesn’t mean “nothing happens” the rest of the week.  Indeed, the entities live beyond concepts of time and space – their involvement and assistance continues through any opening given… like dreams.

Last night, I experienced a kaleidoscopic array of dreams.  Interestingly, none of the dreams included me…it was more like I witnessed them from an observer’s perch.  Some of them were physically violent.  Some of them portrayed different eras – like living on a plantation as a slave during the days of slavery.  Some of them depicted families engaged in emotional dynamics.  Many of them were emotionally painful for the dream participants.  And I watched, wondering why these images/feelings were being shown to me.

This morning, I awakened feeling very sore at the injury sites.  It was as though the pain of the dreams translated into the pain in my body.

I went to the Casa and made my prayer request for relief from pain – in general.  As I reflected upon the dreams and the request they evoked, I noted — for the first time surprisingly — that I’ve been in some amount of pain since the first set of vertebral fractures in 2004 (learning in various ways how to make peace with it), and I understood in a new way what a gift the pain free moments I’d experienced watching John of God doing visible surgeries (see: Abadiania Adventure, June 2012, day 1) was and how valuable waking up the day before pain free was to me (see: John of God, June 2012, day 5).  Freedom from pain.  Sweet relief.  Whether it be physical, emotional, or mental.  Whether it be in waking or sleeping dreams.  Profoundly, I felt this request… for myself, for all the people in my life and in my dreams, for Earth, Herself.

My day proceeded.  I moved slowly.  I stepped back from some of the activities I’d added and gave my body stillness.  To rest and heal.  With faith the prayer would be received and translated through love.  In the early afternoon, I fell asleep.  When I awakened — no pain.  Pain-free.  And I decided every moment I embody sweet relief, I share it with everyone who, like me, prays for it — past, present, and future.

John of God, spiritual healingSo, I guess we could say day 6 was a break-through day for me.  From the trans-personal dreams that took me into the pain of many to the personal experience of my own saga with hurting, I understood the interconnectedness; the sharing points between all Life.  I found within myself the prayer that touched these sharing points, and – in doing so, I found Grace…even in pain.

Grace is sweet relief.  In Grace, all experience serves an awakening into love.  To be love, to feel loved, to offer love.  Such is the answer to my prayer.

Thank you.  I love you.

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4 Replies to “John of God – Abadiania Adventure June 2012, day 6”

  1. As I read these entries, I see you crossing a bridge over a deep canyon. The bridge is filled with blessings and fears, and you’re working your way joyfully, mindfully across to another side.

    I don’t know where that came from, but I hope it’s true.

    1. I like the metaphor alot, Dave! Mindful is the word that resonates most strongly for me. Mindful of both blessings and fears and acknowledging that — on some level — they are the same.

  2. I am so very happy for you Ahna and you know we both have shared those deep and ever present pains on a multitude of levels and lately, I too have been feeling a much reduced feeling of pain in body and soul and it is indeed one of the deepest blessings available..that relief. I remember my father said to me once, and he is an orthopedic surgeon that pain, even for a few days in a row–like 2 weeks or something changes a person…I had always thought my lesson in this life was to experience joy and pleasure in a body that did not allow it…now I know, the lesson, is that all things CAN change if you believe they can…miracles are there for the picking–glad you picked a good one! 🙂 MUCH love!

    1. Pain as a bridge to Grace is a concept that really opened me to a new paradigm. And, like you say, pain occurs on a multitude of levels. I am welcoming Grace on all of them ; >)

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