Sanctuary for the Divine – Physical Well-being Re-defiined

self esteem, physical well being, law of attraction, ho'oponoponoOur bodies are sanctuaries for the Divine. I read that yesterday, and it stopped my mind in its tracks.
ย That’s a good thing.

I’ve tended to think of my body and other peoples’ bodies, as I believe most of us do, in terms of function and size and shape; measuring always how it could do better, look better, feel better. For most of my Life experience, how I measured myself to this criteria determined my sense of esteem and confidence on this playground called Earth.

My body is a sanctuary for the Divine.

As I allow this new thought to flow, as I absorb it’s meaning, I realize the body is not just a conglomeration of cells engaged in chemical interaction. The body includes thoughts and feelings; a tapestry, as it were, of light waves, and colors, and vibrating Essence.

My body is a sanctuary for the Divine, and in this realization I awaken All I Am.

I imagine the dynamic dance of thoughts and feelings and chemical interactions that is my body. I feel the infusion of Essence flowing and permeating the weave. Spirit infuses vitality; the vitality is love. I am the Blessing and the blessed. I breathe, a pulsing connection between what is seen and unseen.

My body is a sanctuary for the Divine. Home.

Everywhere, I see Divinity pouring through the Life around me as I allow All I Am to be my body. I am the playground.
I love you. Thank you.

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