Three Visits to John of God – A Pictoral Documentation

John of God, Abadiania, Casa Dom Ignacio, spiritual healingIn 2011, I visited John of God at Casa Dom Ignacio in Abadiania, Brazil three times – for 1 week in February, 12 days in June, and 12 Days in December.  Overall, I participated in the Current room, experienced the Crystal Beds and Sacred Waterfall in addition to the 5 spiritual surgeries I received.  All of these visits have blog and vlog entries on this site (see the John of God category in the column to the right).  I thought it would be interesting, though — in preparation for my next visit in June, 2012 — to put a few pictures up from these previous visits to document the visible changes.  What can I say?  My idea of a good time; >)

So, let’s begin with February, 2011.  I went for one week.  It was a spur of the moment trip made primarily to support a friend who was healing from a cancer surgery.  I didn’t really know much about Medium Joao or Casa Dom Ignacio — just that I was willing to experience and benefit from whatever happened.  I brought my own reasons to ask for help: type 1 Diabetes, Hepatitis C, and chronic pain from an injury to my spine (2 fractured vertebrae and 2 ruptured discs from a horse riding accident in 2004.)  I focused primarily on Crystal Baths and the current John of God, Abadiania, spiritual healingroom, receiving 1 spiritual surgery during that visit.  This is a picture taken right before my spiritual surgery.  After that spiritual surgery, I experienced a reduction in how much insulin I needed, and I was totally pain free for about a month.  I experienced an opening of my heart.  I also was dramatically more aware of patterns in my lifestyle that needed to shift.

I was so excited by these results, I booked another visit for June.  During that 12 day visit, I continued to focus on the Crystal Baths.  After 1 spiritual surgery, Medium Joao directed me to experience 10 visits to the Sacred Waterfall… which became my mission for the remainder of that trip.  This picture was John of God, Casa Dom Ignacio, spiritual healingtaken 1 week after the spiritual surgery and after 5 visits to the Waterfall.  Again, during this trip, my blood sugars stabilized further, and my back and legs were pain free for approximately 4 months.  The biggest breakthrough during this visit was a deeper understanding that health is much more about a clear energetic field than a physical symptom or condition.  This realization shifted my intentions at a fundamental level.

When I returned in December, I opted to go through as many spiritual surgeries as Medium Joao recommended and time allowed with the purpose of clearing residual emotional/mental energies from my field that impeded the flow of love to and through John of God, Casa Dom Ignacio, spiritual healingme.  This is a picture of me right before the 3rd spiritual surgery.  Certainly the most “in depth” experience with the Entities, I came away from this visit to Casa Dom Ignacio requiring more recovery time.  It was as though my cellular body was recalibrating at a very basic level, releasing residue on all levels – physical, emotional, and mental.  At the same time, I was the most stable in an a vibration of joyful peace as I can ever remember being.

So, here I am.  Preparing again.  My dream life started amping  towards the end of March.  Many nights, I find myself wafting through a dream theme that seems to last through the night — much like the post 24 hour period after each spiritual surgery.  It isn’t always easy to see what my dreams are showing me — sometimes the feelings aren’t feelings I like to say are mine — but it is always a relief to look with love upon All I Am and release what no John of God, Casa Dom Ignaco, spiritual healinglonger serves.  This picture was taken in March, 2012 (two weeks ago)  It is still a mystery to me how these emotional and mental clearings that awaken a deeper abiding peace and joy impact the physical conditions that I originally presented to Medium Joao and the Entities.  It is a grand mystery, though, and I am passionate to pursue on this evolving journey.

Thank you.  I love you.

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10 Replies to “Three Visits to John of God – A Pictoral Documentation”

    1. Thanks, Dave, for your comment 🙂

      I have a trip scheduled for June and December. I believe that, with 5 full experiences in my repetoire, I’ll be ready to sort the process into a conclusion or two… and maybe even a full-on book ; >)

  1. Ahnalira, thank you so much for your beautiful artwork, which drew me to your website. I have recently started out on my Shamanic path, after some years of spiritual and personal growth in Brazil. I am focused on my learning and cannot wait to return to Brazil again in the future, when I hope to also meet Joao de Deus myself!
    Blessings, love and light to you and all your processes.
    p.s I’m sure that Alan & I aren’t the only ones anticipating your book 🙂

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