Endless Swim – Avatar Awakening

awakening, change, GraceThis ocean has no shores.

Waves tumble against themselves;

Secret rhythms.

Endless sea green foam


Endless clouds of puffball blue.

Driftwood climbs and falls, island for the weary traveler.

This ocean has no shores.

Sigh for the swimmer who seeks an end.

Arms fighting the current, struggling against fatigue.

Yearning to be done.

Pushing aside comforting rest on salt-soaked, sweet smelling driftwood,

She slices the through the greeting waves.

Eyes seeking end.

Too bad.

This ocean has no shores.

Stop her long enough to listen.

Let the currents catch her limbs and tangle them in seaweed

long enough to listen

to the singing fishes

and laughing winds.

Long enough to hear the silent breathing and sad songs

each sea cap emits.

403915_355856267758348_100000019321701_1455461_1462161313_nKeep her for one moment from seeking out there

what does not exist.

Then set her free

in the land of DeLight, the space of Avatar awakening,

this ocean that has no shores.


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